49. Young teenage happy love and fear

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As it took me some time, I noticed that Charles had a time to light up candles around the bathroom. I gasped a little at the sight in front of me. It looked so beautiful and comforting. It felt like home. And with him, in dimed light, smiling at me... Made me feel butterflies like I was sixteen year old girl who just had her a crush talk to her.

I placed everything down and I went to take my clothes off before I noticed Charles has already done it and is already seated in the bathtub. I sat across from him shivering at the feeling of water around my body. My hair was placed up in a bun, just so I don't wet it.

"What?" - I looked at him after some time in silence. "You're so beautiful." - He complimented me and I blushed. Thank god these candles weren't that bright. He couldn't see that I blushed at his words.

We got into a conversation and we made a joke or two here and there. I took one strawberry and dipped it in the melted chocolate. As I kept my other hand under it trying not to get chocolate in the water, I brought it to Charles' mouth.

I licked a little bit of chocolate on my palm and smiled at him. He returned the favor giving me one as well. A little bit of chocolate stained my lips and he brought his body closer to mine kissing my lips.

He pulled away and licked his lips few times. "Sweet." - He smiled and I did too. The evening was beautiful, I enjoyed every bit of it. The lavender smell, and the candles made this feel like love. And I never experienced love this beautiful until I met Charles.

Before I even got into a relationship I remember not caring if anyone was saying anything bad about us being together. What people would say didn't cross my mind, but what only mattered, was us.

I took my glass of wine and because my hand was wet it slipped, before I spilled a little bit of it in the water. We laughed and decided that it is not that big of a deal anyway, because it wasn't much at all.

"Come here." - He said opening his arms, and I did. I leaned back on his chest as he wrapped his hands around my body under water. He kissed the side of my head every time we weren't talking, and he made me feel safe.

What I felt, when I was with him, couldn't be described in words. You just had to experience it. The love we have, is the love worth trying. Everything I've done to this day, and everything I survived, was worth this moment.

"You have no idea how you make me feel." - I started and he stopped with his kisses. I heard confusion in his tone. "Like what?" - He asked.

"I can't explain it. I never experienced what you gave to me. I am thinking about everything you did for me, and how you and Carlos turned my life completely. And ever since we started dating, I can't explain the feeling I have  when you are around me . But it is mixture of young teenage happy love and fear." – I finished and he tilted his head to the side.

"Fear of what?" - He asked once again squeezing his eyes. "Of losing you, Charles." – I barely said, I even think it came out as a whisper. "You will never lose me, you know that. And you shouldn't be worrying about that at all. Let's enjoy this for now, and we'll figure out the rest later, okay? Don't stress yourself about those things." - He yet again, kissed the side of my head and then my shoulder that was just above water.

I kept starring at one dot whole time during this conversation. As if I would find any kind of answer in it. But I got out of my head even if I liked it there.

We went to bed after we cleaned up the bathroom. He gave me one of his hoodies, it was March yeah, but it was still very comfortable to sleep in it, while he had a basic shirt on with sweatpants. Is it important to mention that they were grey ones? I think it is.

"I love it when you dress casually and I love those sweatpants on you." - I commented as he pulled me closer to himself under a thin sheet and covered us. "Then I should wear it more often I guess." - I chuckled at his comment and we fell asleep pretty quickly.

I woke up pretty early and I noticed that Charles' alarm won't wake him up for another two hours, so I let him sleep. I tried to be quiet as possible as I was walking out. But he received a message on his phone and I stopped walking, praying that he won't wake up.

After I heard those soft and quiet snores filling room again, I continued my way towards the bedroom door. I never went through his phone and neither was I interested on who was texting him.

However there were times when I took his phone out of blue just to take some pictures when my phone would die, or log in into my Instagram account. And he didn't seem to have a problem with it.

My Instagram boosted a lot in last couple of months, especially since Charles and I confirmed that we were dating. And comments weren't so bad under my posts. Although it gets really annoying sometimes seeing messages and comments just about Charles. They always ask where is he, what is he doing, will he be here, will he be there and stuff like that.

And I do ignore them most of the time. I even got recognized by some small business pages that were in search for models and I always did few pictures in my home, for myself, in their clothes or with their make-up. But it was never that big of a deal since I wasn't a model, I didn't have a manager and for sure they weren't my sponsors. It was just for few pictures and that's it.

When I made myself coffee and got bored so I decided to make something sweet. I thought about giving something to Charles so he can bring it to the grid and share it with everyone, just a little gift from me. As almost all of them were really nice and reached out to me to ask how I was after they heard what happened.

Even Max. But he was really sweet and careful with messages. The day I got his messages, Charles was in hospital bed with me and he saw it too. The message was him apologizing, and wanting to be on good terms with everyone and trying not to cause awkwardness between anyone. And I texted him that I forgive him, although I pray that when I get back on track, he doesn't continue his flirting.

But none of them know that I had miscarriage. Well, Lewis, Isa, Charles and Carlos know. But no one else. And I wanted it to stay that way. Everyone else just thought I felt bad and sick so I passed out. I wished I passed out just not to relieve that pain.

But out of all of them Lewis was the best one, of course after Charles and Carlos, he was my favorite driver. Something about his personality and how he fought for everything, and what he sacrificed to get to where he is really made him stick out to me.

Over interviews we made small talks and now every time we see each other on a race track we would get into a conversation, and I really appreciate him agreeing and promising on staying quiet about this whole situation. He really was the purest soul the world has seen. Along with Sebastian Vettel who was a man in his own league. He truly was a man of human kind.

I made quite a lot of cookies as I didn't pay attention of the amount of things I was putting in, not really following the recipe, but going on the way I remember my mother taught me years ago.

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