46. Her wish will come true

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She hummed and tried to stretch out but she was still tied up to bed, I stood up kneeling before bed, yet again. She woke up and searched for something in room before her eyes met mine. I softly smiled wanting her to know that everything was alright now.

But it was impossible once she remembered what happened last night. She groaned and let her head fall back to pillow that I suppose wasn't comfortable at all.

"Don't ever scare me like that again." – I softly said as she sighed looking up at the ceiling feeling powerless. "What happened between you and Charles? I saw him storming out last night and he didn't say a thing, and when I tried calling him he didn't pick up." – I tried not to rush things because she just woke up but I failed at it. Her eyes became glossy as she drew in shaky breath.

"I don't think him and I are gonna make it." – I tilted my head at her statement. Did they break up or will break up? "He started blaming me for losing the child, but neither did I know I was pregnant. Before I even said anything he was yelling and telling me that I lost his child. Even though I said I didn't know he kept saying it's my fault I forgot to take the pill." – She explained with pauses in between just to gather herself.

"I can't take the pain of another person walking out of my life, Carlos. I hope you understand why I tried to do that last night." – She finally looked at me when she said these words. And I wished she didn't. It hurts me to see her hurt.

Few tears fell down her face as she tried removing her hands under belts to wipe them away but she didn't succeed. So I went over her cheeks with my thumb as she drew in deep breath.

"Did he at least apologize?" – I asked but she shook her head. "No, he denies my statements of him blaming me but he kept on doing that."- She sniffed as I was in shock. There is no fucking way Charles was this harsh. He never was.

"I will talk to him." – I caressed her hair out of her face as I didn't intend on leaving just now. We talked for a bit more before I left and promised to be back with breakfast. She sighed and I hated that I have to leave her alone but it was only for a short time.

I almost passed red light on the way to hotel, I was furious at Charles, his words and things he did last night. I wish I was there earlier so she didn't have to go through it alone. Although I was asking myself if he really turned into the person she explained to me. I stormed through the hotel before taking the doorknob and seeing that it was unlocked.

"Mate, what the fuck is wrong with you?" – I walked through until I found him sitting beside the bed with his head in his hands. He looked like he didn't even sleep. His hair was messy and his face looked tired and confused at the same time.

"How in the hell do you blame her for losing the child? She didn't know Charles! You had no right to say anything before she explained it to you!" – I yelled at him as my voice broke from the heavy feeling I had on my chest since last night. He wasn't replying to me, just staring down at the floor rubbing his hands through his hair.

"It's not just that, she always brings up ending her life. I can't watch her suffer Carlos. She is putting herself through more pain than she deserves and it's hurting me as well. I hate myself for not being able to help her." – He finally shouted as I found his eyes being glossy once he looked up to me.

"So, you decide to bring her more pain? Maybe she mentioned, but she actually tried it for sixth fucking time last night. I wonder what would happen if I didn't get there on time. Then for sure you wouldn't be seeing her suffer anymore." – His eyes went wide in shock as he opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.

I knew he felt terrible, and I didn't want to bring more worry in his life at the moment but I want him to know how much we mean to her. She though they wouldn't work out and just the thought of not seeing him anymore, made her want to kill herself.

"What?" – He whispered out as a tear rolled down his cheek and he stood up keeping himself steady by holding the end of bed with his hands.

Charles' POV

Because of me? She tried to end it one more time because of my selfish thoughts? I only though about how losing the child affected me and not her.

As on top, I made her feel guilty and I walked out. My anger and frustration overtook my feelings for her. I still have them and I always will, no matter what happens. But if she does not forgive me, I will never forgive myself for doing it to her.

But what if she does, and I do it again? Maybe not to let that happen again, I need to stay away from her. But I need to hear what she thinks of this. Now I need to put her in first position. If she wants me, I will stay. If she doesn't, it will be hard but her wish will come true.

"You better pick your fucking ass up and go in hospital and apologize to her. And you will stay away from her if you intend on causing her this much stress, it will be better for both of you." – Carlos left the room and I went straight to bathroom to wash my face and take a shower.

Changing my clothes, I took my keys and walked out of the hotel room running to my car. On the way to the hospital I noticed a flower shop and I stopped by. One occasion, she mentioned how she loves white roses and I bought bigger bouquet. 

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