20. She gave him false hope

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"You did-" - I was interrupted by his lips on mine. I was in such shock I didn't know what to do. I didn't move myself nor did I move my lips. He leaned in the kiss making me hold onto his suit. He kept me even closer by his grip on my lower back. His other hand kept his helmet.

We heard fireworks behind and he pulled away. I was looking at him in shock but he smiled. Oh no. this can't be happening. Why with so many people around Charles? Why?

I gave him a fake smile but I don't think he noticed it was fake. I tried my best not to embarrass him in front of so many people. He steadied me back on my feet but his hand was still on my back and he was staring down at me breathlessly.

"I am proud of you." - I quietly said faking another smile and thinking about Carlos. It would be awkward if I just walked away and started searching for Carlos and if someone finds us together, they will assume a lot of things. Starting from me cheating on one of them. And the rest is people's creativity.

He finally let go of me. I applauded as his other friends kept on congratulating him. Max did too. I was happy to see that there isn't any bad blood between them.

I managed to walk away to the paddock hoping I can find Carlos there alone, so we could talk.

"Carlos?" - I called out for him. I went upstairs to their rooms and his room was locked. "Carlos, please. Open the door." - I held onto the doorknob hoping he would open the door.

"Please. I did nothing wrong. Charles did nothing wrong. We aren't official. We agreed to go slowly! You have no right to be mad on me or him, but I understand if you are hurt..." - I talked to the door hoping he was somewhere near so he could hear me.

"I wouldn't be here searching for you if I didn't understand you were hurt." - I heard footsteps approaching door but I didn't move.

Door opened and there stood Carlos, his hair all messy and his face wasn't shining with smile as it always was. He stared at me for few seconds before he pulled me in his room, closing the door and slamming me against them, kissing me.

After few seconds he broke the kiss. "Tell me. Who does it better?" - He kept himself close to me as we were breathing heavily.

"Carlos-" - I was interrupted by his lips on mine once again. But this time he didn't just keep them there, he started going down my jawline. I moaned when he hit the right spot on my neck.

"Who does it better?" - He looked at me. I was trapped between his hands on each side of my body. "Carlos please-" - And yet again he interrupted me by his lips on mine. But this time he went to the spot on my neck faster than before.

I moaned feeling his warm and soft lips on my collarbone as he pulled my suit down for better access. "Carlos-" - I moaned and he looked at me again.

"Tell me, or I'll make your body speak for you..." - He quietly said. God I loved his tone at this point. "Carlos please hear me out." - He didn't move, but he did try to catch his breath in same position.

"I didn't come here to decide who is better kisser or who makes me feel better? And I think you didn't call me here to decide something like that either. I am no toy to any of you. And I for sure won't be the reason you two get into a fight if I say I which one of you I prefer more." - He backed away looking at me.

"You know, you could've just said it last night. Without giving me false hope..." - He walked away and I didn't know what to do. But I had job to finish. I fixed my suit and I left my room blinking as much as I could just so tears don't fall from my face and ruin everything.

I found Josh and he looked worried. "Where were you? I was looking for you everywhere!" - He gave me microphone when I signaled him to hand me it.

I fixed my hair taking deep quick breath. "Doesn't matter. Where is our champion? We have job to do." - I started walking when he told me his location.

By the time I was with Carlos, I missed champagne moment and I felt bad for it. I just know Charles will ask me where was I?

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