48. You tattooed my heart

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"You have place in my heart, no one could ever have. I want you to keep it for the rest of our lives." – I looked up at him and smiled. He returned the gesture. "Why are you blinking like that, are you okay?" – My eyebrows furrowed as I held myself up with the support of my left arm as I was looking at him.

"It was supposed to be a wink..." – He said sadly and I laughed at his comment. "Your way of flirting is truly awful, do you know that?" – I smiled once again as his eyebrows went up at my comment. "But does it work?" – The corner of his lip went up as I responded. "Maybe." – I chuckled as he brought me back in his embrace.

"Did you know that, if it's true love, you can tell when each of you is in pain?" – He said with low voice as I furrowed my eyebrows at his words. "Who told you that?" – I asked still not moving from comfortable position we were in.

"Old lady from whom I bought this bouquet. She was really nice and she told me her story with her and her husband. And she told me I remind her of her back in the day." – He explained. "How so?" – He answered and told me the story.

Eventually I fell asleep on his chest.


"Charles, you have to go to the race!" - I almost yelled at him in the empty room. We were fighting for last few hours about this. Since I got home, he didn't want to leave me alone even though he had a race to attend and not be here with me when I am feeling completely fine.

"I told you, they can find someone else to drive for this race!" – He protested as we sat down in kitchen by the kitchen island. "Charles, please let's not do this right now. I told you I am feeling completely fine. There is no need for you to be here. I'll call Aisha, I am sure she will stay with me until you get back. There is a break after this race anyway." – I tried to be calm just no to get him mad more than he already is.

We were talking about this ever since he came to hospital before two days. But tomorrow he had a flight. "I know but I want to be with you." - He lowered his tone noticing that I obviously didn't have strength to fight with him anymore.

"And I want to be with you. Come on, it's just one race. You'll be fine." - I assured him as I stood up and walked over to him, pulling his head into my neck.

"We can't fight like this anymore. It's destroying us." - I quietly said and we stayed silent for some time, still in the same position. "I agree." - He whispered. "I just think we need few days away from each other, just to realize how much we want each other actually. I think that in these stupid arguments we don't appreciate that enough, and the time we spend with each other as well our love is the most precious thing." - He added and I stayed silent afterwards.

He thinks that we need time off? Does he want a break or the end of relationship? "I am afraid I don't understand you. Do you want us to break up or go on a break?" – I moved away letting my hands slip away from his body. His eyes went wide at my comment and he jumped in. "No, no, no! You got it all wrong. I don't want to break up with you, but consider these few days as just time away. But that doesn't mean I lost feeling for you, and please. Never ever in your life forget that." - He took my hands in his and brought me to stand in between his legs.

"You tattooed my heart and I think that no one can remove it. Not even our stupid little fights. You made your mark on me, and for sure it isn't going away anytime soon." - We stayed in silence for a bit more. My hands started shaking from excitement and happiness.

"I love you so much, Charles." - I went in and hugged him. His head was in my neck and he kissed the same spot over and over before we pulled away from each other.

"Jenna..." - the time stopped when he looked me in the eyes and said my name in that tone. I swear his eyes flickered and his pupils went wide when he called out to me. "You have no idea what are you doing to me, honestly." - I let out a chuckle before kissing him and pulling him in a hug.

"It's almost 8pm. Come on I will make you a nice bath so you can relax a little bit." - He stood up pulling me in his chest. Carlos was already away for the next race, and he is there with Isa, just so they could spend some time together, as Charles insisted on staying with me for a bit longer.

"Only if you come with me." - I looked up at him with my chin on his chest, I noticed a smile forming on his face when he heard my words. This is the man I fell in love with, and no one and nothing will ever change that, I am sure.

"You bring wine, while I prepare everything?" - He had questionable look on his face as I smiled and told him that I would do so. He went upstairs and I took out bottle of wine and some strawberries. I figured we had chocolate so I melted it and brought everything up.


Short one but sweet one also. I hope you are enjoying book and that you love it. There is not much left of it also, and I want to thank you all for support.

Every single one of you means to me a lot. So thank you for sticking this long with me and this story.

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