45. Let them help you

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Tear after tear started falling down my cheeks as I tried to be as silent as possible. I took few deep breaths wanting to keep sobs to myself as my brain kept replaying the words he said. What does he mean when he says he can't do this anymore? I was in so much agony I couldn't think of anything else but him leaving me.

I grew so much closer to him than any other human in my life. He was chained to my heart and still is, it will be hard to let him go if he wants to break up. Maybe it will be easier for him to let me go. I can't even imagine myself without him in picture.

I stood up taking off every single string of machine that was tied to my body walking over to the door of my hospital room. Gut-wrenching sobs that tore through my chest were never this painful.

I didn't want to lose another person I loved, and still do. I held my lower abdomen as I walked towards the door that were previously harshly shut right in front of me.

Not doctor was in this hallway at this moment and I was so grateful for that. Breathing was getting harder for me each second as pressure of my chest never stopped suffocating me. I grunted few times walking, before I noticed the door of balcony. I needed fresh air so much, so I gathered my strength and walked over to the door, opening them.

Cold air washed over my body before I gasped for more of it. My lungs filling with chilling air that made me feel somewhat better, but suffocation never stopped. I quietly cried looking over city lights and then down. I was pretty high.

It was calling me and telling me that it can end all my problems and make my pain go away quickly. And I was vulnerable to that feeling at the moment. The thought of spending my life without person who helped me the most was the only thing that made me jump over and end it all.

As I said, I think it will be easier for him to get over me than the other way. As I grabbed onto the balcony I glanced down seeing that my wound has opened. But maybe I won't have to explain it how I got it if I won't answer to them once I am dead.

It wasn't tall barrier but still I barely threw one of my legs over and then the other one. This is it. Last time on bridge there was white nose that I hated, but now it was pure silence. Just cold wind whistling through air. Not even cars were passing this hospital right now.

The only thing that was holding me back was the grip I had on barrier, and I just had to let go. I took last few breaths memorizing the feeling cold air gave me in my lungs, it indeed is the best feeling out of all.

I was ready to let go after I calmed myself and got rid of adrenaline that was rushing through my veins. The grip loosened every second and I felt strong arms around my body. Not the feeling I was hoping for when I touched the ground.

But I didn't. My eyes shot open as I placed my hands on arms that had strong grip on my waist, and they weren't Charles'. I know his touch very well.

It was Carlos. He pulled me over sitting down on the floor of balcony as my back was against his chest and my body between his legs. His arms still didn't let me go, he just brought me closer to himself.

Carlos' POV

Her body shook against mine as sob after sob left her mouth. She tried to fight me away but in this state she wasn't stronger than me and she knew it but kept trying anyway.

Eventually she stopped and now just tears fell down her face as I hugged her tightly. I kissed her head. Her words welled up tears in my eyes as I tried to fight them off. "Please, let me go. Please." – She begged through crying, wanting me to remove my hands from her body.

I kissed her head once again as tear rolled down my cheek once when I closed my eyes. "Shh, it's alright." – I whispered as few doctors came up to us and brought her up on bed and rolled her to her room.

She was yelling and begging them to let her go but they kept on with their jobs and got her in her room. The sight brought tears to my eyes once again but I wiped them away going through the hallway where her room was.

The weird looks people gave me woke up anger in me but I fought it off as I didn't want to show too much to the people I don't even know. Who knows how would my words turn and where would they end on internet.

As I got to the doors I wished I didn't. They were tightening the belts over her body and pressing her against the bed as she tried to move away. I hated what I saw and I wished it never happened.

I gathered my strength and walked to her bed kneeling beside it and taking her hand in mine. Two doctors looked at me, then in between themselves and decided not to kick me out of the room, I assume.

"Jenna please, let them help you." – I pleaded squeezing her hand a bit. I fought tears away as my voice broke down from the pressure I felt in my throat but it just kept building up hearing her in so much pain, mentally and physically.

"Carlos, please tell them to let me go..." – She said through sobs and I looked down at our hands not being able to look at her without tearing up. She was my best friend and, the sight of her in this state of mind hurt me like she was my own blood.

"They are just trying to help, please calm down and let them ease the pain." – My voice broke once again as shadows stood on the frame of the door. People gathering around looking at the scene.

"Get away, all of you." – I yelled at noisy people who weren't even doctors. If they didn't know her or knew how to help her they shouldn't be standing there. Quickly after there was no one on the door and I turned to Jenna as she was calmed down and her eyes started closing slowly.

Few second after she closed them and doctors relieved sigh. "She will be a lot more calmed when she wakes up, this will keep her tired for a while." – I nodded at them looking back at her as they quietly left the room closing the door behind them. I am surprised they let me stay but I think they know she'll need someone she knows once she wakes up.

I smoothly and slowly removed her hair out of her face and noticed trails of sweat. Near, I found towel that they already used and I softly pressed it on her forehead.

With my fingers I caressed her cheeks feeling dried tears under my touch. She has been through a lot and I wished I would just take her pain away. I hated watching her destroy herself and there is no one to help her.

That got me thinking, where is Charles. I picked up my phone sitting on the sofa near her hospital bed and found his number. I placed my phone to my ear and expected him to pick but he didn't. It was late and I suppose he was asleep but this was serious situation so I tried few more times before giving up, seeing that he is not picking up.

I suppose I fell asleep, as when I woke up it was day already. I leaned right on my arm watching her peacefully sleep. Sometimes this was the only state she would get peace. And I say sometimes because of nightmares she lives in when she sleeps.

And it's not fair that everything is hitting over her back. She already suffered a lot and it suffocated her few times. I wish she would just get peace one day. And I know when but I don't want it to be soon. She has whole life in front of her. A lot of time to make memories she won't regret anytime. 

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