26. She just took his girl

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Charles POV

"And I am taking her away tonight..." – Jenna said as soon as she saw Luisa and Lando taking her hand and walking away. Luisa blew Lando kiss with a smile as he stood there confused. I walked to him and he pointed at the direction they walked to.

"She just took my girl..." – He sounded confused as always. "She just took your girl." – And my heart too, I patted him on shoulder walking with him in club.

We saw girls already at the bar drinking so we joined them sitting on the opposite side of them. They kept on drinking shot after shot until I placed my hand on Jenna's glass before she drank it. She stopped and looked at me. "Don't you think you should cool down a little? You just got here." – I spoke over the music as she removed my hand from her glass. "Who are you to tell me? My dad? Well unfortunately, he isn't here. So please when you find him, tell him I never needed him in my life." – She drank that shot as well.

"Should we go dance?" – Lando said to Luisa over music very loud, enough for me to hear it. "I said she's mine tonight." – Jenna replied and it's clear that both of them were drunk already. You can tell by the way they acted. You can always tell someone is drunk by the way they act.

They went on dance floor and Lando moved to sit next me, where Jenna was previously sitting. "What does she have that I don't? Why does Luisa want to dance with her and not me?" – He sounded like a child right now and I laughed at his tone.

"Alcohol. She has alcohol in her system, Lando." – I shouted so he can hear me and he turned to look at them on dance floor. Luisa had her arms on Jenna's hips while Jenna's arms were on Luisa's shoulder as they swayed left and right.

God, why were her hips so addictive?

I watched as they moved wishing I could be on Luisa's place and I am sure Lando wanted to be on Jenna's. They closed the space between them putting their foreheads together not stopping. Oh god, I wish that was me.

I didn't know what to do. Should I go or should I stay where I am and suffer for god knows how much time until I get a chance like this again. Yeah, the first option sounds better but harder. What if she doesn't want to dance? Well then, I'll just come back and watch form a far again.

I was looking in her direction as I saw Lando, in the corner of my eye, following me. Good, he can get with Luisa so I can be with Jenna. Luisa noticed me as she was turned towards me while Jenna's back was facing me. Luisa looked at her again noticing Lando shortly after.

With my right hand I hugged her around her waist pulling her closer to me. She looked at me surprised but not moving away. I smiled down at her as Lando hugged Luisa from behind and she placed her arms on his, as they were around her waist.

Looking at them, Jenna stepped in front of me pressing her back to my chest and placing my arms around her waist. I was shocked and surprised but I didn't want to look like a child who got his favorite toy for his birthday. They swayed from left to right while she Luisa moved her hips more than she should for simple movement.

Jenna did the same, leaving no space between us. I quietly groaned as she pressed herself even closer. I looked at Lando and he heavily breathed in Luisa's ear.

I lowered my head and started kissing Jenna's neck. Going all the way towards her collarbone and up again. She moved her head to give me more access and I started to like this night even more.

Sure, a lot of things happened today. She fainted, her secret got revealed and she found out it was her sister who ruined her life yet again, like she already didn't. But there is nothing more helpful than alcohol and good night out with friends.

Jenna bit her lower lip closing her eyes and leaning her head back on my shoulder. My left hand was placed further down grabbing her thigh while with right one I hugged her squeezing her against my chest. It felt so fucking good to have her this close to me.

When I went to look at Lando and Luisa, she had her arm around his neck kissing him while her back still faced him. I didn't know if I should kiss her. Maybe it will be too much. But I got my answer pretty quick. I felt her shift in my hands as they were loose around her by now.

She grabbed my face in both her hands and brought me down to her as she connected our lips. I never thought she'd do this, but here we are in the club, crowded by people, kissing each other. Like no one can see us.

Both of my hands went down to her back pressing her in. I really can't get enough of her by this point. And I hoped she felt the same way.

After few more moments, confidence was brought in. One of my hands went down and squeezed her ass a bit. She moaned in kiss and everything got so much better. She slipped her hands in my hair, slightly gripping on it. I didn't care if my hair was ruined from it by now, I wanted this to last hours.

But it didn't. As song changed she slowly pulled away but didn't move. We stared at each other's eyes. I didn't know what she was trying to find in mine, but in hers, I wanted to find a bit of feelings. Even though she said today, she doesn't have any feeling towards any of us. But maybe it changed. I wanted it to change.

I hesitated. I didn't know if I should kiss her again. I definitely wanted to but I didn't know if she would kiss me back. It all went away when Luisa tapped her on shoulder and Jenna turned to her without moving away from me.

"Can you come with me to the bathroom?" – She almost yelled to Jenna in her ear, because of music. I didn't even know it was that loud until now. "Yeah sure." – She responded and turned to me, winking and walking away with Luisa. 

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