53. White roses

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Jenna's POV

I wanted to be as far away as possible for Charles. I can't hate him even if he tried to make me to. He didn't even try after all. I think that being away will not ease the pain. But I have to think brighter. Maybe someday, we do meet again but for now I have to forget about him and everything we'd be through together. 

I looked over to my passenger seat seeing the white roses he got me. I reached out for them and opened the window to throw them out. Just then bright lights took my attention. "Oh god." – I whispered to myself.

Charles' POV

I drove as fast as I could, I took a deep breath because I didn't know if I'll find her. I wanted to do so, so bad. It seems like she is more and more out of my reach. My heart is hurting, and my soul feels like its dying. Without a sun in my life under cold and bright moon.

Soon another source of light was in my sight. Two bright lights approaching me insanely fast. I took a turn right to keep my car on the road and not hit anything. But the person who was in another car took the wrong turn.

My car stopped but theirs didn't. It took a turn around and stopped on the roof of the car. I hated to recognize it. I hated to see a white rose in a bloody hand hanging out of the window of the car. My heart stopped for a second.

Trail of blood followed her hand and went over a single white rose while other ones were around the car, and it seemed like they have just cursed my life forever.

I undid my belt and ran towards her car. I wanted it to all be a bad dream I will wake up from soon. But it's never ending, it doesn't have end. The one thing I wished not have with her was end. I never wanted our feeling to fade away. And now I feel like my soul is leaving with hers.

I dragged her out of the car and saw blood trails from her head. Her body already had bruises and started to look pale. I pulled her in my lap sitting beside her car while damned white rose's found their place around us.

It looked just like graveyard. Beautiful flowers, but each one of them are for a soul that has left their loved ones. I barely took the phone out and dialed a number before they said they would come over in few minutes.

"Jenna," – I called out to her hoping she would hear me and come back. Come back to me. "Jenna please, I am so sorry." – I sobbed bringing my head closer to hers as our foreheads touched.

The feeling cannot be explained. Because I have never felt the greater pain than this. I lost the love of my life, forever. Those damned white roses will be the only thing to remind me just how much I hated myself.

But my heart increased the speed of it beating when she opened her eyes. I looked all over her face, studying her mouth, eyes, eyebrows, anything just to see a sign that she is fine.

"Hey, I'm here. Just stay awake, help is on the way." – I whispered to her caressing her hair that had bloody stains from the wounds and cuts that shattered glass caused.

She opened her mouth, she wanted to say something. But instead of words, shaky and heavy breaths were coming out of her mouth as she stared at me. I once again studied her face her eyebrows slightly furrowing, probably at the pain she felt.

In the corner of her left eye I saw a tear slide down her face and fall on my shirt as I kept her close to myself. She wants to say something and I badly want to know what. But I can't help here even if I wished to take all the pain away from her.

She stuttered and her eyes went blank. Her eyes fixed on me as a drop of blood trailer down her face from a corner of her mouth. Her eyes not moving so curiously as before few moments.

"Jenna." – I called out once more shaking her body in my arms, just to let her feel something. But I don't think she will feel anything ever again. As I think for myself the same.

"Jenna, please. We were so close, please." – I pleaded to whoever gave her life, and now took it away. "Bring her back please, please I need her." – I begged as I sobbed uncontrollably at the same time.

"Don't leave me, don't take her away." – I continued as I looked at her pale face once more. Even more blood was coming out of her mouth and just then I heard the sirens in the distance.

I squeezed my eyes shut, once more bringing her face closer to mine and connecting our foreheads. The thought of never hearing her voice made me sick in my stomach, and made me hate myself for what I've done.

The sirens and bright lights approached us but I didn't bother to look up. I had to once they took me away from her. Better said, they took her away from me. I felt hole in my soul becoming bigger each step she was further away from me.

As woman was holding me beside her I crushed down on my knees not being able to stand on them properly. They put her on stretchers and her hand was hanging from them. The one she held a rose in.

She never lost a grip on it until now. White rose fell down from her hand and with bloody stains hit the floor. I felt my heart break into million pieces and I felt those same pieces cutting my soul all over and over again on the same wounds.

Reopening them if they closed. I stood up from the floor and got in the ambulance with them. I could barely see anything from the amount of tears in my eyes and lights inside. But once I wiped the tears away, I wished I didn't.

I saw her. Worse than I thought. Blood was now stained all over her face, her hair messy and bruises all over hands gave her body purple-ish color. I hoped she would wake up soon. Because I still have hope.

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