12. Things do change

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"Good morning." - Charles spoke in between the silence. I smiled at Carlos turning to Charles. "Good morning to you too." - I said back and soon after we sat by the table and ate our breakfast. As always it was delicious.

We spoke a little about the travel and I was really excited to see Abu Dhabi. I have never been there and I hope my first time there will be remembered with a lot of happiness and good moments because as Carlos said I needed those to cover the bad ones. I didn't have them, and I still don't. They are still on my mind.

But they are supposed to be back in my brain and I hope by this travel I will leave them behind.

"There is something I didn't tell you either." - They stopped eating and looked at me worriedly. "I applied for a job." - They smiled proudly. "Oh my god that's amazing!" - Charles said first but soon enough Carlos' followed. "Those are great news! Where did you apply?" - They left their spoons and got their full attention on me.

"At Sky Sports. As a reporter." - I grinned because I knew what that meant and I am sure they did too as their faces turned to shocked ones. "But Sky Sports are interviewing formula one drivers and..." - I interrupted Charles immediately. "I know what that means. But I am still not sure if I got the job. If I did I would be interviewer for only formula one section. And that would be amazing! They need interviewer for this race as previous one had some issues with her health. We could go to a lot of places together of course if you want. Because I really don't want to be on your back whole time." – I explained and Carlos jumped in.

"You don't have to worry about that. You are interesting enough. So we'll keep you around for quite a time." - I laughed at his comment. "So, when will you find out if you got the job?" - Charles asked. "Well, today. Because if I did my first day will be on friday. On 18th when practice is supposed to happen. But I know almost nothing of formula one, but lucky me, I have to friends who are formula one drivers." - They looked at each other like they waited for this moment.

I washed the dishes as I offered to and when I turned back to the living room I saw white board on wheels in front of the couch.

They had markers in their hands and motioned for me to sit on couch.

They spent next two hours explaining rules, and giving me a backstory of every driver who drives this year. And information's about this year's season.

"So, Lewis Hamilton has been 8 times world champion?" - I asked in concern. I actually had a notebook and I wrote down as much as I could. Maybe I won't get a job but I am really interested in this.

"No 7 times. 2008, 2014, and 15. Then 2017, 18, 19, and 2020." - Carlos corrected me and I scrapped number 8 and wrote down 7.

"And in 2021 Max Verstappen?" – I asked to see if my information's were true. They nodded.

"And if one of you two wins a race in Abu Dhabi? Who will win the championship then?" - I asked. "Well, you see. It is almost tie between Max and Charles. Max is ahead for five points. So, whoever wins in Abu Dhabi. Wins the championship." - Carlos answered and I thought about it.

"Would that be your first championship?" – I asked pointing my pen at Charles and he nodded. "And I am so nervous about it. I know that if I lose I would be so pissed at myself. Until next season." – He did sound nervous and stressed about it. And I believe in him.

"And you Carlos?" – I asked. I noticed how they said just few things about themselves, and not those important ones. "Well, I won one time, this year. In Silverstone. But I am sure I will make up something for next year." – He sounded kind of sad and I didn't want to ruin the mood.

"Well I believe in both of you. After all you two are the chosen ones, for just 20 seats, out of thousands others who want it." – I tried to sound as supportive as I can and they just nodded. Now, they are the ones that need support and I don't blame them. It's stressful time for both of them.

I got a message and I unlocked my phone just to see it was from Sky Sports itself. "Oh my god." – I stood up reading the email in myself.

"Oh my god." – I starred at it as Charles and Carlos made confused faces.

"You got the job?" - Charles asked. "I got the job!" – I yelled. "She got the job!" - Carlos repeated, also yelling.

We had group hug as we were screaming and jumping out of happiness. Oh my god I am happy. But for real this time. And seems like they are too, for me. Last person who was happy for me was my mom. But things do change. To better. Still can't say they are forever. Life is just too good to be true now. But who knows maybe I am just paranoid and life will stay this way.

We discussed some things and I wrote them back thanking them for giving me an opportunity and they texted back that I'll need to be there on 16th and I'll have to check in hotel on my name, and they'll have my room. Also I have to be on a track on 18th around 10am or earlier if possible. There I'll find a man with a camera, of course, waiting for me in front of McLaren's paddock.

When I told that to Charles and Carlos they said I'll be in same hotel as them and that they'll help me around track and paddock's as they were there few times already. 

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