15. She needs to give it a time

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"I am so fucking proud of you surviving. You're going to tell me more about those two guys because I sure owe them for keeping you alive and making you believe that you are worth living life." - She made pause and looked around the car.

"And this car. Is this Ferrari? When did you buy this?" - She sat in her seat. "Before everything, should we get some Starbucks?" - I asked and turned on the car. "Sure, I would love to." - She responded and looked at me with 'now speak up' look.

"Alright. They're names are Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz. They are here for a short time. They rented up apartment. They are Formula 1 drivers..." - She interrupted me with gasp. "Formula 1 drivers?" - I noticed her look at me as I was driving and being careful about not crashing this car.

"Yeah, they drive for Ferrari and this is Charles' car, not mine. Well, one of his cars. This one is just when he is New York." - I stopped to concentrate on parking car safely. When I did, I continued with responding on Aisha's question.

"Well, are they hot? Do you have crush on one or them or both. I heard formula one drivers have something special in looks." - She got out of the car so did I, so we walked in Starbucks.

"Well, they are right. They both are very attractive. But maybe they have girlfriends or maybe even wives. Not that they mentioned anything but you know, any scenario is possible." - We walks in and we ordered drinks and sat.

"Do you want me to set up one of them for you? I feel like Carlos and you would get along really well. But if he doesn't have girlfriend." – I took sip of my drink and she looked down.

"That would be necessary." - She made upside down smile and showed me her hand. The ring I didn't noticed. "You're married?" - I wanted to scream it out but I couldn't because there were people around.

"Not yet. We decided to have wedding in august next year. We both are summer people and I think it is easier when I have almost 9 months to do everything and not rush like some do." - We talked more about her and my life. Well, I just mentioned my new job and that I am going away tomorrow. And she told me about moving in with her fiance Chris, her job, wedding plans and other things.

But I had to go home because I had to pack. I offered to drive her off to the house and I did. She got out of the car and so did I. I went over to her side and I hugged her.

"Thank you for today." - We pulled away from each other. "Thank you, for being here. You have no idea how happy I was when you responded to my message last night." - We heard her front door open and it was her husband coming over to us.

He hugged her and kissed on head. God they looked so happy. "You must be Jenna, I am Chris." - We shook hands. "Nice to meet you Chris." – I put my hands back in my pocket.

"Your sponsor is Ferrari or? Because your hat, jacket and car are." - He looked at car and then turned back to me. "Uh, no. It's my friend's. This isn't even my car. They let me use it." - I said and Aisha turned to look at him. "They are formula one drivers." – That's not the information I wanted to give out but now it is.

"Really? That's cool." - Chris spoke turning to me and I nodded. "Yeah." – I didn't want to give any more information's about them. Who knows where will it get?

We greeted and I drove off. They looked so happy. I want to find love like theirs. I want to be happy. And maybe I will. I just need to give it a time.

When I got back I immediately started packing and so did Charles and Carlos. In the evening I took a shower and fell asleep. 

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