31. She always knew

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I was nervous on the way there and he noticed it. He placed his arm on mine that was resting on my thigh. "Don't stress yourself. You're going there to see your niece. Not to start any more fights or arguments. You are wiser person, keep yourself calm even if she starts saying something." - He assured me as we stopped on red light.

"Yeah I know. But my sister is unexpected. She can say the most random shit that would hurt me. And if she gets chance, she will bully me and say awful things just to make me feel like the bad person and like a problem." - I looked through the window not noticing that I was slightly squeezing his hand as I was thinking of the possible scenarios and things that could go wrong.

We arrived and I saw Christmas light on the windows. I just know Elizabeth put them like that. She always does. Charles brought trampoline and so did I my present.

I rang the bell and glanced at Charles and he gave me assuring nod. He was standing really close behind me and I liked his presence right now. I felt safe and protected.

David opened and there she was, my niece, Elizabeth. She screamed when she saw me and ran in a hug. I kneeled to her height.

"Oh my God auntie Jenna! I missed you so much!" - She screamed and I smiled at her reaction. "I missed you too angel. But I remembered you and look..." – I glanced over to big wrapped boxes. "I brought you something..." - She jumped few times laughing.

"What's in it?" - She calmed down and asked. "Well, you'll see. But first can we come inside. It cold here." – I looked up to David still talking to my niece. He nodded and opened doors wider.

We brought presents in and she ran in front of us. "Mommy! Aunt Jenna is here and she brought presents!" – I saw Maria walking out of the kitchen and being shocked as she saw me.

"Hey..." - I barely whispered. I sat on the couch and Charles sat close to my right as David sat across from us. Elizabeth was between two couches sitting beside presents.

"Hey..." - She muttered back, "I thought you were dead." - She said sitting beside David. Yup, still old Maria. "I am not. Thanks for asking and worrying." - Charles had his arm around my lower back and he squeezed me tighter to him.

I looked down at my niece and she admired boxes. "We saw you on TV Aunt Jenna. You were so beautiful!" - I smiled remembering Abu Dhabi and how it practically saved me but I also made some memories I don't want to remember.

"And you are the guy she kissed! Oh my God are you two in love like Cinderella and Prince Charming?" - Well that took me back. She walked to Charles and placed her little arms on his thighs looking up at him.

He had surprised look and so did I. "Yeah..." - He whispered but I heard it. Everyone heard it and I decided not to protest and start anything. "Do you want to see what's in those boxes?" – I broke silence and she ran over to them.

"That is mine." - I said as she started ripping paper apart. She saw doll through plastic and kitchen set with all dishes, oven, etc. "Is this the one I was telling you about?" - She screamed continuing on ripping paper. "Yeah..." - I replied and she jumped in my arms hugging me, "Thank you so much! I love it!" - She started laughing and screaming out if happiness.

After she calmed a bit. "That is Charles'" - I said and she unwrapped it very quickly. "A trampoline!" - She yelled and unwrapped it completely.

She jumped in Charles arms and he brought her up in his lap as she sat in and didn't leave his hug. His arm left my back but I couldn't think of that right now. This was so cute.

"Thank you so much Uncle Charles! I love it so much!" - She cupped his face in her tiny hands and he smiled at her. "You're welcome angel. I am glad you like it." - She made confused face. "Why are you talking like that?" - She tilted her head in confusion.

"Well, I wasn't born here as you were. I grew up all the way in Monaco." – She gasped, "When she learned that Monaco has expensive boats and beautiful sea she wants to go there." - David spoke and I was happy that he joined in conversation normally.

"I want to go on a boat there one day." - She smiled and he returned same one. "Well, I have boat back in Monaco. Maybe one day you can come and I can take you there." - She clapped her hands at his suggestion. But we knew it was impossible.

Especially because we are on bad terms with her parents. If we weren't, it would be way easier. Maybe when she grows older.

He smiles at her reaction and she cups his face in her hands again. "You have dimples." - She quietly said observing his face. He scrunched his nose and smiled at her.

He brought his face closer to her face and touched their noses as she laughed. "Come on, let's take these to your room." - Her father said and Charles let her down as she followed him.

"Well, you made something out of yourself... Congratulations." - She said with arrogance in her tone. "Thank you." - I whispered back, "Why did you have to do that? Say all those things?" - I snapped not wanting to stay silent anymore.

"Jenna-" - Charles started but I glanced at him for a second and then turned again to my sister. "I saw you getting famous. Thought you might need a bit more attention." - She responded with no shame or regret in tone. Why would she have any of that after all?

"What made you think that I would want the whole world to know about my suicide attempts? Even though I tried to hide it? What's wrong with you?" – I said louder getting angrier.

"I did it because I wanted to. Okay? I wanted to expose you a bit. You made my life living hell! Do you know how it was hard for me to watch you try to kill yourself? You think that I didn't feel the pain when mom died? You think I was happy when dad left? What the fuck? Have you thought about anyone else besides yourself? You were so focused on suicide you didn't think it would affect me, your sister!" - She screamed with tears in her eyes.

"That's what the fuck I was doing! I thought everyone else would be better off without me! How do you not get that? Did you forget I was raped and humiliated in school! I wanted to die and make everyone forget about me so that they can live happy life without me! Whole time I wanted to make myself one less problem for everyone else!" – I screamed back now tears falling down my face.

"And don't try to make victim of yourself! You are the one who threw me out and when I came back literally day later, and you thought I was dead! You didn't bother searching for me! You even burned my clothes! Please don't try to victimize yourself in this! You even lied..." – I sobbed. "You fucking lied about things you said in that article..." - I felt Charles' arms wrap around me as he pulled me closer to himself.

With one of his hands he was pulling my body closer to his and with other one he brought my head in his chest kissing my head. "Shh, calm down." - He whispered calmly. I sobbed against his hard chest.

I didn't want to look at her. I was so disgusted by her at this point. Liar and manipulator. All in one, my sister.

I heard crying from another room. Elizabeth. She heard it all. Oh God I feel so bad. I went away and ran to her room seeing David sitting in corner, covering her ears.

This reminded of me and my sister. When our parents fought, which was pretty common, she would drag me to her room, put on some cartoons and when the fight would get serious she would cover my ears and tell me we were playing games or something.

But I knew. I always knew.

I ran towards her and hugged her. She cried on my shoulder as I sat on the floor trying to calm both of us down. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry angel." – I repeatedly whispered in her ear as I was kissing her head.

David went away and we were left in the room. She fell asleep in my arms and I brought her to her bed when I heard yelling in another room. I went over and saw my sister and her husband standing up while Charles was sitting and listening to them.

"She's asleep, what the fuck is going on?" - I said and I saw that she started crying. "I think it's the best if we go, Jenna." - Charles stood up and walked over to me putting his hand around my waist waiting for me to start walking.

"Before I go... If I ever come here, and this happens again." – I said referring to our fight we had. "I am turning us both to the police for child abuse... I don't fucking care where I end up, she doesn't deserve this... She deserves better childhood... And you and I both know that nothing good came from mum and dad fighting..." - We walked away to Charles' car and I sat in and Charles went to his side. 

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