43. This is bad, really bad

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"I am sorry. I already told you I have plans and they cannot match with yours." – I tried to sound as a decent person and not create a scene. "If this is because you have boyfriend, remember that you have free will as well. I am sure he isn't holding you back from going out for friendly occasion." – His words just don't have an end, do they?

I sighed before speaking. "No he doesn't hold me back from anything but I don't want to. Not just because of him. But because I don't want to go out tonight. I am really tired." – I explained.

"Maybe some other night? You'll be here whole season as I heard." – Yeah, he doesn't accept no as an answer. "Leave her alone for fuck sake, will you?" – Charles raised his tone from beside us and I hated that this is happening.

"If she told you she doesn't want to go out with you many times, why are you pushing?" – He continued on yelling and I knew that if I say something, it's like I don't exist. This is between them, maybe I am included and this all is because of me. But I told Max I don't want to go out even if it's for a friendly occasion, and I told Charles there is nothing to worry about anyway.

"Because I think she deserves better." – Max replied with so much confidence in his voice. Like the cameras aren't filming, everything. Charles had enough and he stormed towards Max.

Thank god, Lewis stepped in front of him holding him back. Carlos jumped in too. When Max heard the things Charles was saying about him, he wanted to fight now as well.

This is bad, really bad.

Carlos turned to Max pushing him off. I think that even Carlos wanted to punch him in that moment but he kept it in himself. This whole situation was becoming yelling mess and I couldn't take it. I started to panic and Josh noticed.

He carefully let the camera down before walking to me and keeping me on my feet as my breathing kept on speeding up every second. My stomach started hurting as well and I felt like I was about to throw up.

All this stress is just too much for my body and I think I was about to pass out. The image in front of me wasn't very calming as Charles and Max tried to fight. They tried to get to each other even if others were keeping them apart.

"Charles." – I whispered as I barely kept my eyes opened. I know he didn't hear me over that yelling but he sure did hear Josh when he yelled his name few times.

I saw his face turning pale as he saw me holding onto Josh and the wall behind me. He jumped over advertisement posters. They weren't big at all so he did it with ease.

"Call the ambulance." – Lewis shouted as I felt more pain in my lower abdomen and I barely kept my eyes on Charles'.

They let me down on the floor as Charles kept my head up trying to get me to focus on him. But every moment I was losing myself more. I felt pain from my chest down to my legs as they were numb by now.

"Someone please tell them to get here faster." – Charles yelled. I saw the expression on his face but the sound started to fade away and I was hearing high pitched noise in my ear.

Charles' POV

She was struggling to breathe and I was losing myself. I didn't know what to do. As ambulance came they picked her up to let her lay on stretches, just then I noticed few trails of blood going down her thighs under her black pencil skirt.

I was so confused. Was she on her period? I didn't want to think about that as I got in with them and yelled to Carlos to pick our stuff and come to the hospital.

I saw him run away to find Isa before the door of the car closed. I saw scared look on her face. They gave her oxygen and she calmed down a bit, but she was still heavy breathing.

I leaned down to her face and startled her hair out of her face. "Shh, everything is alright. You will be okay." – I comforted her but she started crying. She removed her mask just to speak to me as she didn't need it anymore. "Charles, my body hurts. I feel so much pain in my stomach." – She cried out and I let her squeeze my hand as I wished I could take her pain away.

It's making me mad and sad at the same time seeing her like this and not being able to help her.

"Look at this..." – One of the nurses said and I looked up at the direction they were looking at. Previously white mattress was now almost fully soaked in blood. I panicked as they looked in between each other and gave her something.

I suppose it was to calm her down as she looked like she was about to fall asleep. We got to the hospital and they took her away in surgery room. I sighed not knowing what to do.

Eventually, Isa, Carlos and Lewis came. I suppose he drove them as he knew better this part of the town. But he was also close friend of Jenna and they were becoming better and better friends.

"Where is she?" – Lewis asked as he looked around the rooms to see what is written on them. "On surgery." – I almost whispered as I knew my voice would break fi I spoke any louder.

"What? Why?" – Carlos spoke up with confused expression on his face. "I don't know."


"You're with Jenna Garcia?" – One of the doctors came out of the room asked taking our attention. "Yes." – We all said in union as I sniffed and wiped away drained tears on my face.

"You came with her, you are her husband?" – He asked pointing to me. "Boyfriend." – I corrected him as I wanted to yell at him for speaking so slow and not saying if she is okay right away.

"She is fine for now. Next two weeks will be tough for her as through miscarriage she felt a lot of pain and had a lot of bleeding." – My mouth slightly opened at his words.

Carlos' POV

"She is fine for now. Next two weeks will be tough for her as through miscarriage she felt a lot of pain and had a lot of bleeding." – I saw how Charles' color from face disappeared. I think he didn't know as well.

"She was pregnant?" – He barely whispered out as Lewis and I looked in between each other. "You didn't know? I am very sorry for your loss. Everything will be alright, you'll just have to follow the instructions we give you later on. She'll be in room 307 in a bit." – He walked away with his head down and Charles turned to us with pale expression.

If Jenna knew she was pregnant and didn't tell Charles, I knew he would be so mad at her for keeping it a secret, just because he found out this way. He didn't say anything though, but his eyes did. He looked sad and furious at the same time. 

Fatal Accident (C.L. & C.S.)Where stories live. Discover now