32. Past is past

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When we drove home I sprinted in my room and slammed door passing by Carlos not explaining anything. I will tell him, Charles can do it too, but not now. I can't do it.

I locked my room and slid down cold door bringing my knees to my chest sobbing quietly in them. At this point I am mad at myself for letting myself yell back. I scared her. She was sobbing so much, I never saw her this worried and scared.

After what felt like hours I got up and changed myself going in the bathroom for a long shower. I didn't bother to rush myself to make it on time for dinner. Maybe they already ate but I wasn't hungry at all. Today was enough for me.

When I did my skincare I heard knock and thick Spanish accent spoke from other side of the door. "I brought you hot chocolate. I know it calms you, I hope you are ready to open the door, or I can just lea-" - I unlocked and opened my door for him and I noticed him holding two cups of hot chocolate.

I moved away so he can enter. He closed door behind himself and we sat on my bed as I took a cup from his hands. We sat in silence for few moments before he broke it.

"Charles told me what happened... You should not blame yourself because she is bad mother. She is the one who started it and you had to stand up for yourself one time... You have been silent long enough." - He silently spoke and room filled with silence again.

"Carlos I scared her. It wasn't just my sister it was me as well. That's why I hate myself right now. I let my frustration take over." - I blinked few times to stop tears from coming out of my eyes once again. I didn't know how much tears I had in myself?

"And when I got in the room, she and her father reminded me of my sister and me. David was covering her ears with his hands as she was crying. As my sister did to me whenever our parents were fighting..." - I sniffed and calmed myself again.

He opened his arms and I leaned myself on his chest as he kissed my head. "You have to learn how to leave the past behind. This topic needed to be brought up when you met with your sister and it's understandable. She did something that affected you and you had to react. But past is past... What has been done, cannot be changed. There will be consequence after, sure... But maybe even a lesson if you look through right perspective." - He talked and I found so much peace in his voice.

Even though he had troubles saying some words, it was nice hearing him talk. Especially when he listens and tried to give advice.

"You are so good at comforting..." - He chuckled and I smiled looking up at him, "Thank you Carlos. I really appreciate it. Everything..." - He smiled back and took a sip of his hot chocolate, "Well, I am trying to be here for my little sister with the same birthday." - I laughed at his comment and we continued on talking and drinking hot chocolate.

"What you need is a good sleep. I'll leave you now, give me that..." - He placed out his hand and I handed him now empty cup.

"You can come back, I am not planning on sleeping yet. If you are not, as well..." - I said and he seemed like he was thinking about it. "Sure..." - He walked out and he came back shortly after.

I leaned on his chest and we watched a movie until I fell asleep. I woke up to doorbell. Bed was empty and I assumed that he left as soon as I fell asleep. I heard doorbell once again and I ran downstairs as it didn't stop going off.

My eyes went wide at the sight of my sister with bloody shirt, crying herself out at the door. "Your daughter..." – She cried out and I was so confused. I looked down at myself and saw blood running down my thighs. I lost the baby. As I was backing away I hit something. It was Charles, standing all confused. "Jenna, baby?" – He breathed out and I saw tears in his eyes. But soon after I started crying too. I felt my chest rise and fall repeatedly.

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