8. They are one of them

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I walked past Charles and Carlos and got in the backseat of the car. Carlos sat on the back and Charles drove us back to house.

I was looking out of the window and crying at the same time. I don't think she will ever let me see my niece again. And all those things. It hurts even more when another person tells you what you've been telling yourself for years.

I felt strong arms wrap around me and Carlos brought me closer to himself. I buried my face in his chest while his jacket was unzipped, as I cried.

He held me close and kissed me from time to time in head telling me everything will be alright. But will it though?

I fell asleep but I woke up when I noticed Carlos shifting in his seat and I knew we were at their apartment. I won't call it home, it is not my home. I don't have home right now.

"Sorry for waking you up." - He apologized in his soft voice and we separated as I looked out of the window.

"No, its fine. I shouldn't be sleeping anymore." – I got out of the car and I found Charles in front of the doors unlocking them. We went in with silence, and I know they will ask questions about what happened and I will answer them. It helps sometimes when you have someone to talk to.

They sat on couch in same positions as previous night and I sat in the same place as well. "Do you want to tell us what happened? We heard yelling so we came up and rang the doorbell to see if it is something we didn't want to happen." - Carlos broke silence first.

I didn't move I just started speaking. "She let me in and told me she thought I was dead. That I have already killed myself. Then when I asked her did she thought that I didn't try she said she knew it. She knew I tried. And she added that if I don't care about myself why would she. Which I don't blame her for thinking that. It just hurts when someone says it out loud. Especially your sister. Who you thought loved you. And besides that she thought that I was whoring myself around because I came in Ferrari." – They stayed silent but I know they are mad right now.

"And clothes?" - Charles asked. "Burned." - I still didn't move my gaze from floor. There was silence for few moments.

"Because of people like that, you should prove them wrong." - Charles continued and I looked at him. "But I don't know people like that. This is the first time she ever reacted like that. I don't know what happened to her honestly." - I answered.

"But there will be. You may not believe it but trust me there is people like that and you are probably going to meet a lot of them." - Carlos jumped in and I looked back at floor. He is right. Even if I didn't meet them, there are people who will find tiniest mistake just to point it out on you.

"Remember how I said I probably have million and one reason why you should not end your life?" - I looked at him nodding, remembering the words he said to me before few hours.

"They are one of them. Prove them wrong. Prove them that you weakness can be your strength, if you want it to. They haven't been where you are. And that'll help you make wiser decisions in future if you let future be shown to you. And it will be shown if you choose light in your life because darkness is a dangerous friend, and it blinded you." - He finished.

"Wow, you are really good with words." – I smiled and so did they. "Well thank you, but I really am trying to show you how world can be." - He added and Charles spoke in right after him. "We. We are trying to show you and we will if you let us help you. No one is helpless and neither are you."

I thought about it. Let's think of it on brighter side. I would finally be happy, maybe I start my own career. And home after all. It wouldn't be bad at all. I would have Charles and Carlos as my friends. My leaders to the brighter side in life. They are like two sunlight's sent to me to guide me from where I am now.

"Aisha wasn't this good with words. I think your words made me change my mind and give life a chance to prove myself, how good can it be." – I smiled and Carlos ran to me, hugging me. Charles stepped in the hug and I breathed out. "There won't be chance for it if you squeeze the live out of me." - They relaxed their arms and we stayed like that for few moments.

"When is your birthday?" - Charles asked. "Was, September 1st." - Carlos gasped. "Mine too!! You were sent to me, or I to you!" - I smiled at his reaction. But it was pretty crazy though.

"I will be your big brother, with same birthday as yours." - Carlos sat in place he was sitting before. "Okay, big brother and..." - I made pause looking at Charles. "A friend." - He shyly said and smiled which I returned. "And a friend." – I added.

"Well, happy late birthday, and get this as a late gift from us. You need some clothes so we will take you shopping and you can take whatever you like." - Charles stood up putting on his jacket.

"What? Right now?" – I asked as they both are standing right now. "Yes now! Come on. Vamos!" - Carlos yelled and we walked out of the door.

Fatal Accident (C.L. & C.S.)Where stories live. Discover now