3. Her name is Jenna

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Jenna POV

We walked back on the bridge that could've ended all my worries but here I am with two men I don't know, going to their apartment.

"We have to get this car back to Jaime that's why we went this way." - The dark haired one said. He was the first thing I saw when I woke up. And I can't help but notice how attractive how they both are.

"Hey, we have to bring this car back to our friend he is 10 minutes away from here. So it's going to be a longer ride." - Green eyed one spoke as he dressed himself up in his red jacket with Ferrari logo on it.

I didn't say anything I just walked in dark blue car. I think it was Ferrari as well. The other one walked in the car behind us and we went forward.

I didn't think I would leave this place alive but I am. And in Ferrari. How things turn.

I noticed him looking at me in review mirror every now and then. "I am Charles." - He spoke breaking silence. I looked at his eyes in his review mirror.

"Jenna" - I said and I leaned on window and looked outside. I have never been in this part of New York. Sure, I have spent most of my life here but I found this bridge on accident. I think it's on the very end of the town but I am not sure.

We arrived at someone's porch and I didn't leave the car. Hell did I want someone to see me like this. My hair that was previously somehow good now wet. My clothes wet.

I took of my jacket because heating was turned on in the car and it was much warmer inside. After quite some time I felt sleepy and I didn't even hear that they got in the car.

Only thing I felt was, someone covering me with warm blanket and it felt much better.

Charles POV

"What will we do with her? We don't know who she is, if she has any family or even if she does have someone does she want us to call them?" – I said as we were driving back to our apartment.

Carlos was driving and I was shivering from wet body. I can't imagine how it is for her then. She has wet clothes on.

"I don't know mate. We can let her stay over for few days and maybe it would be easier for her to tell us something that could help us with our questions." - He explained and I was glad I have him as my friend.

"Her name is Jenna." – I said after some minutes and Carlos looked at me. "Pretty name." - He turned his attention back to road and so did I. Yeah, it was really pretty name.

We got to our apartment after 20 minutes and Carlos carried her inside with blanket wrapped around her while I parked car in garage.

I went in and found her still in Carlos' arms. "We have only two rooms mine and yours." - He quietly said not trying to wake her up. "Bring her in my room, I'll sleep on the couch tonight and we'll figure something out tomorrow." – I responded taking off my jacket and hanging it.

Carlos' POV

"Bring her in my room, I'll sleep on the couch tonight and we'll figure something out tomorrow." - Charles said and I nodded taking her up to his room.

I am so glad we got there in time. She seems miserable. She has no hope in life and I hate to see someone in that state of mind. I hope we find out something more about her. We will try to help her.

I put her down carefully trying not to wake her up by sudden movement. I removed her hair from her face. She will fall asleep in wet clothes and get sick. After all I have to wake her up.

"Jenna?" - I quietly called out her name shaking her shoulder a bit. "Jenna?" - I repeated and she opened her eyes.

Jenna's POV

"Sorry for waking you up, but you can't fall asleep in wet clothes. You have to change it." - He is the one with darker hair. He had an accent too. I think he was Spanish.

I stood up and he handed me Ferrari shirt and some grey Nike sweatpants.

"I am sure Charles won't be bothered. And this is his room. You can sleep here tonight." - He said and started leaving room after he realized I have nothing to say. But I did.

"I can sleep on a couch. It does not matter to me. You already did too much for me." – I said after he opened the door.

"It's alright, I will ask him if he'll sleep in my room with me. It won't be the first time we sleep in same bed." - He smiled on the end and I did too lowering my head.

"Good night." - He said and left the room. I looked around for a bit. I noticed he also left towel on the bed beside me and I dried my hair not much but enough for it to look nicer than before. It was really nice.

I don't think they live in this apartment for long. Or at all. Maybe they are here for something and they rented out an apartment. Or they already have it.

I mean they both have different accents so they are not from the same side of the world. But they managed to get together.

They have a lot of Ferrari stuff, it's hard to miss. Maybe they work for it. Or Ferrari as their sponsor in their business, whatever they do.

I got dressed and as expected it was really big on me. But I can't complain. It was dry. And this house is really warm. Warmer than outside.

I couldn't sleep so I decided to explore house for a bit. But that didn't last long because they were seated in living room downstairs discussing something. 

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