50. Oh yeah?

181 2 0

As I was putting them in a nice box, I felt Charles' arms around my waist and his face in my neck. "What did I do to deserve to wake up like this, hm?" - He kept on kissing my neck up and down as I giggled when it tickled.

"Nothing, I just had free time and decided to make some. I made quite a lot so I want you to take these with you and share them through the paddock for the drivers, and the rest you can eat yourself." - I pointed at the box after I closed it and smiled at my hard work.

"Come on, open your mouth." - I said and took one cookie in my hand, placing it in front of his mouth as my back was still pressed to his chest and his arms around my hips.

He took a bite and basically moaned which made me laugh. "These are so good, what recipe did you follow?" - He asked taking the rest of the cookie from my hand and letting go of me. "I didn't. My mother taught me how to make it and I just followed my memory." – I smiled at thought.

I wanted to go back there. Back when I didn't have to worry about anything. "Well, thank god for your mother because she gave a birth to a beautiful woman you are, and made her learn how to make these amazing cookies." - He took me in by my waist and closed the space between our faces, placing our forehead together making me laugh a little.

I wished him good luck and he left.


Wow house feels so empty and lonely. But I am sure Aisha could help fill the emptiness. So I called her and she told me she'd be here in half hour. And she indeed was.

We ordered food and had a long talk and also watched a movie. In the evening I texted Charles and he wasn't responding and I just thought he had something to do or he even fell asleep, so I didn't quite sweat myself with it.

Aisha decided to sleep over after I asked her to, and she left to get her clothes and to get ready to stay here for three days or so. She insisted on doing so, as she knows what happened and wants to treat me as I was in fatal accident. But it was really not that big of a deal.

I didn't have any pain or trouble doing some jobs, but everyone who knows treats me like it is that way. And I hate it honestly.

We eventually fell asleep pretty late and Charles still hadn't texted me, so I assumed he fell asleep but with some kind of worry in my head, I fell asleep.

"Jenna, come on you need to take your pills." – Aisha woke me up by shaking me slightly and I groaned obviously wanting a little more sleep. I heard rain outside. Wow, what time is it?

"Come on Jenna. Time to get up." – I heard her say once more before I opened my eyes looking outside, through the window. It was weather made for sleeping, and I didn't have any tasks for today so I intend on stay in bed whole day.

Aisha brought me a glass of water and pills I had to take and I swallowed them, getting back to the bed as she looked at me weirdly, but decided not to question anything.

I decided to check if Charles responded, but nothing. Sent 10h ago. I hated that. I texted Carlos who responded within minutes saying that, the last time he saw Charles was at the dinner in hotel.

Right now, they had separate rooms as Carlos wanted one just for himself and Isa. He also told me him and Isa had kind of a big argument last night. And that he wanted to sleep in Charles' room just to give her some space but he wasn't opening his door.

First of all, what the fuck? I am not there one day and he and Isa are fighting, and my boyfriend isn't texting me back. I comforted him about the fight saying that everything will be fine, but I suppose he didn't believe it as he said they were on the edge of breaking up.

I didn't want any one of them being hurt as I kept saying that things will be fixed if they are meant to be. Forcing something, won't get happiness out of anything. 

He thanked me for kind words and support and wrote that he will text me if he sees Charles. But just then Charles decided to text. He said that after he got off the flight he immediately had few interviews. And didn't bother to look at his phone, but Carlos didn't mention anything as maybe it was Charles who just had them.

But he apologized for it and I understood that he was tired and cut the conversation short as I didn't want to disturb his little time alone and in peace before boring media day.

I had breakfast with Aisha as she made delicious pancakes. I enjoyed life so far. Only that night in the hospital was something I wish I could forget. After all some memories are the worst form of torture.

I wish I could forget that Charles had walked away, I never wanted him to walk out of my life. He may break-up, he may start an argument but I don't want him walking out. After all he is the one who saved me and showed me colors I couldn't see with anyone else, to quote Taylor Swift.

Later in the night I got a call from him, and it was face time. I smiled looking at him, but it soon faded away as I saw his face showing a bit of sadness. "What happened, my love? You don't look so happy." – I asked furrowing my eyebrows at him as he released deep sigh.

"Yeah, don't worry. I just miss you." – I knew that wasn't the only thing as I knew how to read faces especially his. I knew him all too well to assume that something was off even now.

"Come on, I miss you too. But I know it's not the only thing. You can tell me what bothers you." – I turned around in my bed so I laid on my stomach keeping phone in front of myself.

"It's not that I miss you in that way. I mean I do, but you know... Like I really need you." – I saw that he fell back on bed keeping phone up as I pouted my lips. "Yeah, well. You know what doctor said. We have to wait at least three weeks before doing anything. And I will not hide the fact that I feel that way also." – I smiled a bit and he chuckled. "Oh yeah?" – He breathed out and my smile became wider.

"Yeah, those photos from today, I mean wow. How did I get so lucky?" - He laughed and we continued talking for a little before we both went to sleep. 

Fatal Accident (C.L. & C.S.)Where stories live. Discover now