34. He is making it hard

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"I am going to change my dress, I am almost done with dinner. Dessert will be served in few minutes and then it's party time." – I heard Jenna talk as she stood up walking away.

I looked at Carlos considering what should I do or say. It will be kind of obvious if I just stood up and walked away even if I said I said have to go to the bathroom, I am sure Jacob would too.

While I was in my thoughts, Jacob stood up and walked away. I followed him with my eyes until I couldn't see him anymore. Just then I looked back at Carlos who looked surprised but I was confused. Did they plan this or? Oh my God, I am getting so anxious and angry at the moment.

I stood up before Carlos could say anything and walked towards the bathroom first. Guests weren't informed about the bathrooms in the house, but he might've asked Jenna about it anyway.

I looked in all three bathrooms in the house and every one was empty. When I walked towards the stairs to go up, Carlos met me at the bottom of them. "Where are you going?" – He asked leaning on a wall. "I am going to find him." – I started walking up but he stood in front of me.

"And do what exactly? Beat him? Come on, Charles. Get your shit together. She said she wanted to take things slow. Either way she will give you a chance. I am sure." – I walked back and released a deep breath seeing that guests were already coming in party room.

"If they don't come back in 10 minutes, I am going up there." – It sounded like a warning to Carlos. He knew that if he tried to stop me I would go past him and I wouldn't care what would happen next honestly.

DJ started playing music and everyone started drinking their shots. I just downed one, I wanted to be self-aware of everything, even the worst things.

After few minutes, I saw them walking down. Her, looking as beautiful as ever in that dress and him keeping his hand out for her to hold on to so she doesn't fall. Carlos slightly punched my shoulder and I looked at him. "You're staring a bit too hard. Keep your shit together." – He warned saying it in my ear and I downed one more shot before looking around the room.

People were already dancing around and being loud as they were singing along to songs. I noticed in the corner of my eye Carlos walking away. And then he and Isa disappeared in the crowd of the drunk people.

I leaned back on the bar and Pierre walked up to me doing the same thing. "So, any lucky girl?" – He sipped on his drink and I continued looking in front of myself.

"No, not for now." – Yes, God. Please give me her. "Well, too bad. Not for me either." – I looked at him and laughed at his comment. "Is it even possible?" – I asked sarcastically. "It happens. Even to the best of us..." – We laughed and chatted a bit more before I saw Jenna and Jacob dancing.

It wasn't just any dancing, it reminded me of us in Abu Dhabi. His hands all over her and her arms wrapped around his neck. I squeezed my hands together at the sights of it.

After few moments they brought their foreheads together and I took deep breath trying to calm my anger and jealousy down. I looked around and met Carlos' gaze. He already saw it.

His head was over Isa's shoulder so her back faced me. He shook his head and continued on dancing with her. I looked down probably looking defeated but I wouldn't let this ruin my New Year. I am supposed to start it feeling happy but she is making it hard. He is making it hard.

Hours went by I even danced with some girls but not in a seductive way or anything. Just to kill my time and I only had two shots as Carlos, only one.

Other drivers had more, probably but they were down to earth as well. It was until Sergio and Lewis got on podium besides DJ and started singing. That was embarrassing but entertaining as well. Lando also showed some of his skills with music and everyone was impressed, even I. They grow up so fast, I swear.

It was a time to watch fireworks. Only few minutes before it hit midnight. Everyone walked through the glass door on fresh and cold air on balcony. Everyone found their partners and friends, as Pierre stood to my left and Carlos to my right with Isa under his arm close to his chest. I think I saw them kissing at one point but who am I to judge? They look happy, and that's important.

Jenna and Jacob were standing really close to each other in front of us and really close to border of the balcony. Oh, I wanted him to fall. Not to die, but fall.

We counted down the numbers and then, saw fireworks. It went on for few moments before Jacob walked away with his phone by his ear. He walked inside and I saw Jenna hugging herself to make herself warm.

I took off my suit jacket and brought it over her shoulder. Before I walked to her I saw Carlos' look. It was 'now-you-got-the-chance' look and I understood it way too quickly.

As light material fell on her bare shoulder she looked up at me and I hugged her, bringing her closer to me. "Happy New Year, Jenna." – I said quietly and she looked up at me with smile.

"Happy New Year, Charles." – She replied and in that moment I wanted to kiss her. But I hesitated. Maybe she didn't want it and I would just cause problem, and ruin the moment. All the attention that will be brought up, as we were in front of everyone else, made me hold back my desires. 

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