38. Let your head down - you don't want cameras to see you.

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"Jenna, honey..." – I heard behind myself. His voice brought back memories I wasn't ready for. I hated being here at this exact moment. I slowly turned around praying that it wasn't who I thought it was. But god, does have favorites, and I am not one of them.

I stared at him from this distance and I couldn't make myself move and walk away. Awful memories flashing before my eyes. "What are you doing here?" – I hissed trough teeth.

"I was looking for you. And I wanted to apologize." – He said and I felt my blood boil. He wanted to apologize? "How did you find me?" – I asked. I was really furious and he better keep his answers short. And I wouldn't ask questions if answers didn't include me.

"One of my friends works here. She told me you were here for last race from previous season and I hoped to see you here. That's why I came." – He explained and I was thinking what bitch though daughter would be happy to see her father after he left her.

"Look, I am very sorry for everything I did. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't. I wasn't perfect dad I know-" – I interrupted him. "I didn't need you to be a perfect dad – I wanted a dad that would show me how much effort he put in his family. I wanted a dad that would show me how much he loved me. And you surely did." – I felt tears form in my eyes but I held them off.

"I do not regret the happy moments we shared. And I did what I had to do." – He said as he approached me just a little. This is the first move since I saw him. "What?" – I almost whispered in anger. I held myself back, not wanting to yell because there are people constantly walking by garage.

"Do you know how messed up it is that you're fine with the way things are?" – I asked. "That's not what I said." – He tried to defend. "You literally said you did what you had to do. Were you angry with me? Because I made you look bad in front of your family? I was never great child, I know. But if you think leaving was the best option, then I don't know what to say to you." - I raised my voice a bit and he looked down.

"You weren't old enough to understand the things I was going through by being with your mother." – He tried to defend himself once again. "But I was old enough to remember everything bad about you. As a parent I think you are supposed to hide bad things from your children. But no, you choose to beat my mother in front of my eyes every week!" – I yelled at him and he seemed pissed by now. It wasn't my intention but I am happy we share the same feeling.

"I know, and I am sorry for that. You know that I love both you and your sister." – He got even closer and I didn't hesitate to stay in my place. I took few steps back just to be away from him. "You have no idea how little those words mean to me now." – I almost whispered feeling more tears forming in my eyes.

"Jenna honey, look..." – He tried to speak but before I interrupted him, someone else did. "Alex, sweetheart?" – Woman called out for him. She found us in the corner of the garage where you couldn't see the entrance clearly because it was somewhere behind all that stuff.

She had Ferrari shirt on. I tilted my head at her. She came up to him and he placed his arm around her shoulders. Wow, this really wasn't great time. "A friend?" – I raised my eyebrows at him. "It's complicated, really..."

"Yeah, like it always is with you." – I sighed in disbelief. The one thing I decide to believe him, turns out to be a lie as well. This man doesn't have end with his lies.

"Jenna, you missed po-" – Oh Charles, really bad timing. He looked in between me and man in front of me. "Charles, I am so sorry, for missing it. I truly am." – Wow, I sounded so much like my father in this moment.

He walked towards me and stood there, facing me while his back was turned to my father and his so called 'friend'.

"Are you okay? Who is this?" – He cupped my face in his hands and my father heard him. Obviously, why wouldn't he reply with rude tone anyway?

"I am her father boy." – He stepped closer to Charles with mean look. "Alex, stop. Don't be rude." – His friend spoke. I am glad she did because if I did, I would start hitting him as well. Charles clenched his jaw before he turned again towards me.

"Do you want to go? Do you have your stuff?" – He asked calmly. I nodded at his questions and he hugged me with one arm protectively before walking by my father. "So I get no answer from you? I've come all this way, to apologize and you walk away saying nothing?" – He sounded disappointed as he should. But I had enough.

"What do you want me to fucking do? Oh, please I needed you my whole life, I tried to kill myself because you weren't here! I didn't made it on my own! You are the one who helped me get job and find myself after I lost myself five fucking times! Is that what you want to hear? Do you want me to lie? Because if you don't then here is the truth. I hate you. I hate you and Maria! You two are the fucking same person! First you leave me then when you need me you come back crawling! I don't need you or her. I think she needs you. She came to my door and begged me to let her stay in for the night because her husband realized what piece of shit she is! She expected me to help her when she didn't help me when I needed her the most! Go find her! Maybe you have friends who can help you. She needs you, I don't!" – I yelled at him and Charles hugged me as I started sobbing.

He buried my face in his chest as he faced my father. "You didn't let your sister in? For a fucking night? She is your sister!" – He yelled this time getting close. I noticed that by the way Charles turned his back on him, not letting my father near me.

"So am I hers! Why is everybody saying she is the victim here?" – I pulled myself form Charles' grip but he still kept me close to himself. "Oh right, you don't know why, because you weren't here!" – I yelled at him and finally he backed away defeated.

His friend hugged him and he was looking at the floor whole time not knowing what to say. "I hope I never see you again." – I said and Charles holding me close to himself. He took his hat and placed it on my head.

"Let your head down. You don't want cameras to see you." – I did as he said and we walked straight to his car. He didn't stop to say goodbye to anyone. He just did it along the way.

When we got in the car I sucked in deep breath calming myself down. "I am sorry I missed podium and everything-"

"You don't have to be sorry. I am just mad at myself because I wasn't with you earlier. Maybe you wouldn't even see him." – I hate this. When we are blaming ourselves for something we both aren't to be blamed for.

"We're doing it again." – I smiled and so did he."Yeah, I've realized." – He chuckled and started engine before driving away. Itwas pretty comfortable drive, but it got intense when he placed his arm on mythigh. He often did that, but now it was dangerously high. I wore dress that wasnot short but now he pulled it

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