13. It's time to retire the car

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Two days before flight I wanted to say goodbye to my niece and I asked Charles to drive me off to her house as Carlos already started packing. He said yes and soon we were in front of their house.

I looked at Charles and took deep breath. "Do you want me to go with you?" - He asked and I shook my head. "No, I won't even enter the house. I'll just say goodbye to her." – I know I'll be gone just for few days but maybe I go somewhere else straight after. I may not come home before Christmas. Who fucking knows?

I went to door and rang a doorbell. Nothing. I rang it one more time. Nothing again. Maybe they are away. I tried for the third time and nothing. It could be that they are ignoring me or that they are away. But for sure I would hear something from the inside if they were home.

I turned back and walked towards the car. As I was closing fence I looked to my right to see Michael walking towards me. He didn't seem to notice me so I rushed over across the road and in the car. My heart fell to my knees in the moment I saw him. Thank god he didn't notice me.

"What's wrong?" - Charles asked turning towards me. "Just drive please. They are not home."- He turned car on immediately and we were on our way home. "I saw Michael. That's why I rushed over." - I spoke after few minutes of silence.

He turned his head towards me on a second before looking straight in front of himself again. He placed his hand on my knee. "I told you, you don't have to worry. I am here for you." - His soft accent made me feel comfortable even if his hand was still on my thigh.

I stayed silent focusing on the part where his skin touched mine. It felt so nice and I wanted to have my mind only on it.

He removed it after few seconds and I felt cold shivers my thigh going up my body and down my leg. "It's okay." - I took his hand and placed it on the same spot to feel warmness of his hand again.

He seemed so shy and taken back by me saying it was okay. Maybe he didn't expect it. Neither did I. I didn't expect I would love the feeling of our skin touching. Not this early in our friendship.

That day I also went with Charles to get my passport done. He pulled few calls and we had it done, I also had my driver's license taken out again. I had it, Maria paid my classes and everything when I was 18, but I don't have it now with me. God knows where it is. But they had my information's so I just had to get picture again and I had it in my hands.

We took dinner from restaurant and went home. On the ride there his hand was on my thigh again. And I liked it. Very much.

He pulled up in front of the house and I got out taking bags with food and going in house while he parked the car in the garage. I got in and I saw living room set up for some kind of movie night.

Blankets, drinks, sweets, chips, everything was ready for a movie night. Carlos came from upstairs and saw me with bags. He took them from me and went over to kitchen then placed them on counter taking food out.

"You got held up. It's almost 7pm." - He spoke from kitchen and I was still in living room admiring how nice set up everything is. I started taking off my jacket and putting it on couch.

"Yeah, I had my passport done, and they weren't home." - I said and walked over to kitchen and Carlos has already taken out everything.

"What is this in living room?" - I leaned on counter. "Well, we will show you highlights of this season in formula one. So you are informed for your job on friday in Abu Dhabi. It's the end of the season so, you have a lot to catch up on." - He walked over to living room placing food on table.

"And why are you wearing hat in the house?" – I asked as he sat to my right. "To be in the mood for Formula 1." - He looked over to me and put the hat on me. "Now you are in the mood for it." - I laughed and fixed it on my head.

Charles walked in and I turned to him. "Come on we will watch highlights of races from this season." – I ate fries as I spoke to him.

"Do we really have to watch it? There were some really embarrasing moments for me." - He took off his jacket and sat to my left facing the TV as we all are now. "I am sure it wasn't that bad." – I comforted him. "Yeah, it isn't because I was worse." – Maybe we shouldn't but we laughed at Carlos' comment. But I mean it's Ferrari. From what I heard from them today it is the strongest team in Formula 1 in history. And Ferrari chose them as their drivers out of thousands other. They can't be that bad.

We spent next two hours commenting races not just from this season but previous one. And I feel so well informed by now.

"I am tired. I am going up to my room." - I stood up walking up to stairs.

"Goodnight." - They shouted from couch. "Goodnight." - I yelled back from the top of the stairs. I got in my room and laid there on my phone. I went on Titkok. Maybe there are some useful information's that can be helpful for my new job.

I searched many hashtags and other. And as I saw. Everybody hates Ferrari strategies. And honestly I am starting to understand why. From edits and clips from full races. No wonder they don't show it on their official channels on YouTube. They don't want people to think it's their fault. Strategists fault.

I came across some edits of Carlos and Charles and oh my god. What I can tell you, is that both of them were sent as an apology from god when he created men such as Michael.

I also had a good laugh. If someone says that formula one drivers are serious they are lying. It is dangerous sport. But as they say, as soon as driver has a fear, it's time to retire the car.

I got a request on Instagram. Not the first one. I had thousands by now but this one caught my eye. It's from Aisha. I accepted it and soon after she messaged me.

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