33. Was he that smooth?

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Ride was pretty quiet. But comfortable. When we arrived there it was empty, of course, because we came hour early. In that time I unpacked my backpack in my room and then the guests started arriving. And then I saw Aisha.

I ran over to her and we started complementing each other as her fiancé watched all confused. Then Charles came from behind me and pulled me in my by my waist.

"Aisha, this is Charles. Charles, Aisha my best friend." – They shook and I introduced him to her boyfriend Chris, as well. They went away talking while I searched for Carlos to meet him with Aisha. When I did, they introduced themselves and we got into conversation.

I glanced over to the door few times before I saw Jacob looking around. "Excuse me." – I walked away towards him, and on the way I brushed Charles' shoulder on accident.

Charles' POV

I felt gentle brush on my left shoulder, and it was Jenna. I watched in the direction she was walking in and I saw Jacob on the other side of the room by the door. He looked shorter than me, but still taller than her.

I intensely watched them, trying not to be obvious because I was in conversation with Chris, Pierre and now Carlos and Aisha joined us. I did talk but I did watch them laughing and talking into each other's ears. They started walking towards us and I quickly glanced away.

She introduced us to him and I think she noticed that I shook his hand with attitude. She took his arm and stood by his side. I couldn't understand if she wants to make me jealous or she acted like nothing happened last night.

Of course we agreed on taking things slow but my jealousy doesn't understand the assignment. But at this point I didn't care if she would notice. I wanted her to know that I am jealous because it will mean that I actually feel something for her.

She looked at me as I was staring at them and their hands touching. She moved away from him not wanting me to be upset. It was obvious she didn't want me having bad time while he was here.

But even if she said, we would go slowly, she didn't mention anything about leaving Jacob. I wish she did, and I wish she fucked him off. But I can't get everything with ease. Looks like I am going to have to put more effort to get that chance. I am willing to try everything in my power at this time.

"Oh, Charles. Congratulations on your Championship this year. You had pretty good year." – Jacob spoke up when previous topic in conversation died. I looked up at him and nodded my head. "Thank you." – I didn't want to seem rude but it was really hard since he is he guy I'm going to fight against for this girl. She really makes me do some crazy things. Or she will...

At my tone she lowered her head. I wanted to know what she was thinking about. But even he didn't sound realistic. Like she made him say that or speak to me overall. As she probably told him I don't like him that much as Carlos does.

Well Carlos moved on, he even started seeing a girl, Isa, who is with him tonight, but he said not to brag about it or make it a big deal, as they aren't in a relationship. Carlos always listened to Jenna when she talked to us about their dates, and I didn't. Which was a mistake.

I wanted to talk to her, all the time. She has such a calming voice, I love it. That's one of my favorite things about her. But hearing her talk about another man makes me mad. Like I have competition. And it isn't her fault. She is really pretty, I am sure guys hit on her more than she mentions. And it's not like she knows I have felling for her.

Well she does now, but she didn't until last night.

We continued with our conversation and I tried to be included as much as I could, just to get my mind off of her and him. It worked for few times but for very short time. For few seconds and then everything I was saying started reminding me of her.

Then it was time for dinner. All of the guest moved to the dining room. The lights were shining more than in the party room. I noticed Jenna and Jacob sitting and I spotted free place next to her. I rushed over and gave her weak smile as she noticed me sitting next to her.

Carlos set to my right and gave me weird look. "Why did you rush over so fast?" – He almost whispered to me as Isa sat to his right. "I wanted to take the place." – Sure there was enough stools for everyone, but I wanted to sit next to her.

When I gave the idea of making cards so everyone can sit where their names was written, I wanted to put Jacob as far away as possible. But both Carlos and Jenna turned that down. Because they didn't know who wanted to sit beside who. They wanted the guests to have free will of sitting wherever they want, and I agree with that.

But I don't want Jacob having that free will.

The food was served and we all started eating. All you could hear was distant chattering and sharp noise of knives and forks against plates. I focused in front on myself because when I looked to my left I saw them talking and laughing quietly.

"Mate, are you okay?" – Carlos spoke and I glanced over to his direction. "Yeah, I am. Don't worry." – I don't know if I should tell him about my feeling towards Jenna. Firstly I didn't want to tell him because he wanted her as well, but now that he has moved on and I told her, maybe it is the time to tell him.

But it definitely isn't the place. It's full of people and Jenna and Jacob are right next to us. God knows how Carlos will react to it. He probably thinks I moved on. "Come on, I know you have feeling for her. Is it because of Jacob?" – My eyes went wide at his words.

"What?" – He repeated seeing my worried look. I tilted my head wondering if he heard me confessing my feelings to her last night. "Come on, you didn't think you were that smooth with it, did you? – He asked with slight smile and when he noticed that my face isn't changing it disappeared slowly.

"Oh mate, you are so bad at it. As a friend, I have to be the one to tell you that." – He said rolling his eyes and swallowing another bite. "How?" – Was all I could say at the time? He didn't do or say a thing this whole time.

"You don't like Jacob, it's obvious. You don't like when she talks about him. And I found you in the same bed last night." – He continued eating and I just processed everything he was saying. I was getting flashback of every situation he mentioned.

"I confessed my feeling for her last night." – He almost choked on his food and people that were close to us noticed and glanced at him as he took glass of water in his hands. That made Jenna and Jacob look as well.

"I'm fine." – He assured before everyone continued on with their meal. "Are you sure? I can bring you more water." – Jenna spoke and I looked at her. But Jacob was looking at me. His eyes were focused on me and the space between me and Jenna, as she was talking to Carlos.

I returned the stare before Jenna broke it. "What are you guys doing? Having staring contest?" – She said as she looked in between us. I glanced at her clenching my jaw. "No." – Simply, before I turned back to Carlos.

"Yeah, you're totally not obvious." – He joked and went back to his food. "She wanted to take this slow and not to rush in a relationship. And she said she won't turn her back on Jacob just yet because it seems dumb to her." – I continued ignoring his sarcastic comments.

"Well, you are really winning." – He said motioning with his head to Jenna and Jacob. When I turned to look at them. He had his hand on her thigh as they were laughing and drinking wine now.

I slowly turned to Carlos again with annoyed look and he obviously noticed. How couldn't he? He is Carlos, he always notices everything. "Mate listen. I don't like him either. Just by the way he talked and looked at you from time to time made me really suspicious about him and his attitude. He looks like a guy that easily gets jealous. And seems like he would be a problem in the future, if they get together, he'll be very possessive over her, I know it. And if he hurts her in any way, I will kill him. So I trust you and I will help you." – I looked at him with shocked expression.

"You will?" – I asked still not believing he agrees with me. "Yes, thank him and his attitude for that." – He continued eating and so did I. From time to time, he and I spoke but he was mainly focused on Isa and I don't blame him. They look like they are made for each other. And I am cheering for it. As I am for myself. 

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