35. Away

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Jenna's POV

I wanted to kiss him so bad. I was with Jacob tonight just so I can start feeling something for him instead of Charles. But he isn't him. I tried to search it everywhere. In touch, looks, smile and eyes. But he isn't him.

I hate that we might ruin our friendship with relationship and feelings we have. I know he has some for me, he confessed it. But I am too scared of falling in love and not being hurt after, but losing him as a person in my life that showed me the truth of how beautiful can it be. He showed me all the shiny lights of it.

And the lights were like fireworks. Colorful and unexpected. I saw colors in him I couldn't see in anyone else even if I tried to. And it came unexpected.

But our comfortableness, broke strong voice. "Dude, what are you doing with my girl?" – I turned around to see Jacob shoving his phone in his pocket.

"She, is my friend and she felt cold so I gave her my jacket. Is there a problem with that?" – Charles stated and I was still under his arm that was around my shoulder. "If she's cold, it is my job to keep her warm and it is expected from me to give her jacket." – Jacob responded back and started walking towards us.

I felt like something bad will happen. I see all attention being brought to us as he approached. He walked behind us and took off Charles' jacket of my shoulders harshly.

The instant cold breeze gave me shivers and it brought a wave of anxiety. Jacob is really unexpected person, but not in the way Charles is. He is on the bad side of unexpected, and I saw it on first date. I knew we wouldn't work out with his jealousy being this high.

"Mate, come on. Don't make such a big deal of it." – Charles tried not to make a problem out of it and they didn't. I shook my head at Jacob and he stopped with his scenes and talking.

Guests went back in, and you could hear music being turned on. I felt some kind of relief that nothing happened. I walked back in alone seeing Carlos and Isa watching us while he had his arm around her. I smiled at them and walked in.

I lost both of them. Right now I was standing at the end of the room. More specifically, I was leaning on closed glass door of balcony we were previously on. As the other one was slightly open just so we can get a little fresh air. And I needed it. Even few sentences made me feel like I was little girl again whose parents were fighting over some stupid things.

Charles approached me and he handed me a glass of champagne. "Thought you might need it." – He said over music that wasn't as loud as before. Right now there were songs for slow dancing and I really couldn't find myself on that podium. I smiled at him and took it out of his hand looking back through the glass door.

"Is something wrong?" – He asked as he leaned on as well. I looked down at my glass. "I am sorry for ignoring you almost the whole night. The truth is that I can't help myself with the feeling I have for you. Maybe they aren't as strong as yours, but I tried to look for you in Jacob. But he isn't you. The presence doesn't feel the same." – Whole this time I didn't raise my head from guilt trip of ignoring him since we arrived here.

With his hand, he raised my head to look up at him and I did. He had a smile on his face that I didn't see before. A proud smile. A happy one. Very happy one.

He looked own at my lips and I knew he wanted the same thing as I did. "Can-"

"Yes." – I spoke before he could finish his question. I knew what he wanted to ask. He pressed his lips on mine and I went along with it for the first time. His hand was on my cheek and the other one held a champagne glass.

The fireworks kept going off in me. I felt the new feeling I didn't feel before. Very refreshing one. The one I hoped will stay. For long time.

"What the fuck?" – I heard yell and music stopped within the second. We broke the kiss and looked in the direction of the voice, seeing Jacob approaching us angrily.

"Jacob I-" – Before I could speak he pushed Charles back with his full strength. I heard sharp noise in my ear. The glass shattered and I immediately looked back seeing Charles fall on shattered glass on balcony.

I let go of my glass and rushed to him. "You fucking asshole!" – I yelled at Jacob. I sat next to Charles on glass, taking his head and placing it in my lap. "Are you okay? Did you hit your head?" – He groaned as glass made sharp noises when he moved around.

"No, I didn't." – I felt tears in my eyes. This is all because of me. If I didn't invite Jacob, none of this would've happen. It's always my fault. I felt so bad at the moment I wanted to take one of these pieces and stab myself in the heart.

I looked over to them and saw Carlos punching Jacob in the face. He kicked him once in his lower abdomen when he was on floor. Pierre and Lewis kept him back. Jacob's nose and lip were already bleeding before he started coughing and trying to get up.

They called security and they took him away. Carlos came on the other side of Charles, breathing heavily. "Did you get him?" – Charles asked and Carlos laughed. "Yeah, I did." – He replied calming his breathing.

"Good. Better you than me." – He laughed but also groaned as he moved. "Can you get up?" – Carlos asked and stood up from next to him. "Yeah, it's just that this floor full of glass and it makes it very hard to move without scratching myself."

Carlos helped him up, people started walking home and party was over. Of course it was. When I am there, party is always over. There is no fun with me. Just pain and problems.

They looked down at me and I was sitting with my bare legs on glass as tears were falling down my cheeks. There was no sobbing, just tears. "Jenna, you're bleeding..." – I heard Charles say and I looked up at him. He was bleeding too. His white shirt had blood stains here and there.

"This isn't the first time I have cuts on my body, and it sure won't be last." – I rushed and got up as few pieces cut my palms. I closed my eyes at the pain and walked away, upstairs to my room.

"Jenna..." – I heard Charles behind me. "Jenna, listen please..." – He continued but I didn't turn to him. I kept on walking. Away. "Jenna, stop!" – At his words I slammed my door and locked them in front of him.

Last thing I saw was Charles with tearful eyes and covered in blood stains standing in front of my room. "Jenna, please..." – His voice broke. "Don't let it down... We were so close... Please." – I heard him sob at one point. Tears started falling harder from my cheeks and it wasn't easy keeping my sobs quiet.

"Charles, I am the problem. Can't you see! Nothing goes well with me!" – I yelled back feeling so mad at myself. I hated this feeling. Every fucking time.

"You didn't even try! Jenna please, don't give up." – He yelled back with breaks in his voice here and there and I didn't know what to do. I am completely losing it at this point.

"Jenna, you made me feel better. Every time you smiled. But please don't blame yourself. Because then I would hate myself for not being able to help you and take that pain away. I swear to you, I would rather give my life away than see you let another tear down!" – I stood back up unlocking my door and going in for a hug with him. 

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