36. Sweet nothings

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I squeezed him so tightly and I didn't want him to let go. I did walk away but he reached me. He kept up with me and that's what I needed. Someone to keep up with me even if I am so low in life.

He brought me up, and then I fell back down. But he came back for me. He came back because he swore to help and be there for me in any time of the day or night.

I sobbed in his shoulder. "Shh, come on. Calm down. I am here, no one will hurt you." – He whispered over my sobs and brought me in my room closing the door behind himself.

I calmed down and looked at him. Even though the moonlight was the only source of the light in the room. I saw tears shining on his face. "If we're going to do this, you have to promise me you are not going to cry because of me. Any time." – I stated wiping his face with my thumbs.

He nodded smiling. "I promise." – He whispered biting his lower lip and it seemed like he was thinking. "But you have to promise me, you will let me help you. No matter what it takes. Even opening the door that is hard to open. You have to try." – I nodded at his words. "I promise."

We smiled at each other and he leaned in in harsh kiss. And I kissed him back feeling that same unexplainable feeling again. It was in my chest. The warmness and butterflies I felt inside were going crazy.

"Come on, we have to clean these cuts." – He broke the kiss and stretched his arm out for me to take it. And I did. We walked to the closest bathroom and he took out first aid kit. I cleaned his wounds quickly because there wasn't anything much or serious enough. Just small cuts. 

I sat on the bathtub and he got on his knees in front of me. The slip on my right leg gave him more access to it but the other one was a bit harder, so he started with the easiest.

He wrapped his arm around my leg and brought it in between his legs while with the other one he cleaned the cuts. Few time I winced in pain from it but it wasn't that bad at all.

"Now the other one." – The silence in between was very comfortable and I needed it after rough night. Yeah, my year started pretty good... He removed the dress from my left leg and started cleaning the cuts while holding it with the other hand.

There wasn't as many cuts on this one as it was on the right one. When he finished, he leaned down and kissed spot just a little higher than my knee. Then his kisses started going up.

Slowly, passionately kissing the every inch of my inside thigh. His lips were so warm, I could imagine them doing all kinds of things. They would touch my body the way they touch my feelings the second they are on mine.

Unexplainable feeling flood over me yet again and I pushed my head back feeling his hands at the back of my thighs spreading them wider with each kiss. I wanted him to touch me more but I didn't have the strength to say a word at the moment. Words wanted to come out of my mouth but my body was just not responding to my mind.

Only me, him and our feelings.

He moved up closer in between my legs and as soon as he stopped I looked down at him. He was on his knees with his hands wrapped on the inside of my thighs and those green eyes. Oh, what they did to me. Just the sight of him like this made me think crazy things and I hate it.

I groaned quietly throwing my head back again and I heard him scoff. "You get turned on this easily?" – He said with smile and I looked him with that are-you-serious look.

"You don't?" – I asked in annoyed tone. "I get turned on just by looking at you like this." – Corner of his lip went up and I smiled at him. I lowered myself to his level. "Then you better take care of it." – I whispered and he kissed me in that exact moment.

We continued on kissing deeper each time. I felt hot wave overcoming me. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy. No man before gave me this feeling. I hope he felt the same.

But I think soon after I got my answer. He stared going down my neck and naked parts on my breasts. He wasn't patient at all. And I loved that because I am not as well.

My hands played in his hair as his were all over my body. I gripped harder on his hair when his lips brushed over my dress on dangerous spot. I bit my lip so no sound comes out.

"I want to hear you, don't worry about being quiet." – He whispered and stood up. He carried me bridal style to the bedroom. I didn't hear or see anyone on the way there, maybe they are all asleep already. It was exhausting night, and for me it's just starting.

The night wet on. All you could hear in this room were exhales gasps, quiet moans and groans with a bit of sweet nothings in between. The feeling of receiving what you wanted for years was truly amazing. What was passionate about it was the way we knew what each one of us wanted.

I collapsed on the bed beside him as his chest went up and down rapidly. "That was fucking amazing." – He breathed out and I suck in breath as I tried to calm my breathing down. "Can say the same." – I responded as I leaned on the head board.

I put on his shirt and panties so I would feel a little more comfortable sleeping like this because I really am exhausted. He turned to face me and I looked at him. "What?" – I asked as I got under covers facing him as well. "Nothing, I just like looking at you. You are really beautiful." – I smiled at his comment. This is what I needed in my life. This is what I was searching for.

"Come here." – He pulled me closer to himself and the warmth of our bodies being so close was so comforting I fell asleep pretty fast. And the whole tiredness helped as well.


"Oh Charles..." – I heard Carlos, well moan and I looked over my shoulder with that are-you-serious look. "Yeah, I wasn't asleep but everyone else was..." – He smiled and took the apple from the table.

"Please, don't mention it to anyone. It's kind of embarrassing." – I went back on eating my breakfast and he sat next to me. "Don't worry. It's little secret between us." – He winked at me and I decided to change the topic as soon as I notice this wasn't going away very soon. "You and Isa, hm?" – I turned to him.

"Yeah, it evolved to a relationship last night. But not that fast as it was with you and Charles..." – He smiled and I rolled my eyes playfully at his comment. "It was stronger than me, okay?" – I replied continuing on eating.

"Sure it was for him as well. 'Oh, Jenna. Yeah, that's it'" – He mimicked Charles and I turned to him once again before hearing voice coming in the kitchen. "You heard?" – It was Charles. "And he won't stop talking about it." – I added already annoyed.

"It's okay, Carlos do I have to bring up the night after Bahrain Grand Prix?" – Charles sat next to me and pulled my chair closer to himself.

"What night? What happened?" – Well, now I am interested. "Mate, you really are a traitor." – Carlos sounded disappointed in Charles and my curiosity grew with every second. "Oh, that's it, be a good-" – Charles started but Carlos was quick enough to get up and shut his mouth.

"No, let him speak." – I tried to remove his hand from Charles' mouth but it didn't work. "Not a word, Charles." – He sounded serious about it but laughed as soon as we all did.

"Not, but I am serious. We agreed on not bringing up that night. Ever." – He sat back on his place and continued on eating his apple. "Yeah, but when you annoy my girl, I will bring up everything to defend her. Even if it's that 'be a good girl f-'" – He started again but Carlos got up once again and placed his hand on his mouth.

"Okay, okay! I will not annoy her anymore." – He said and we all laughed again. "Now, I am really interested in it. Like seriously..." – They looked at me very weirdly. "What?" – Charles shook his head at my comment and brought me in for a hug. 

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