10. They know she has a problem

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"Good morning sleepy heads come on. We have a lot of to do today." - I heard Spanish accent in the sentence and shortly after bright light hit my face.

"Oh fuck." - I groaned as I turned around and Charles stretched out already getting out of the bed. "So you two are just morning people?" - I buried my face in the pillow blocking the light.

"Yes, and you will be at least today. We will make you a new room in which you can sleep in as much as you want but not with everyone you want." - I looked up at Carlos and he stared at me blankly.

"Don't stare at me like that, come on. Vamos! You have to eat breakfast before the truck comes." - He got out of the room leaving doors opened.

"I hope you had a good sleep." - Charles spoke coming out of the bathroom with smile. "I did. And thank you for staying with me." - I smiled back and he looked down shyly.

"Why are you always acting so shy?" - Okay, I had to fucking ask. "I am not." - He scoffed, smiling and leaving room. Oh yeah. He definitely fucking is. I can read people easily. That's my talent I guess. But killing myself in the other hand... I have to work on that one.

We ate our breakfast and soon after truck with things came. Carlos and Charles helped them bring wardrobe and bed in front of the room upstairs. After they left we pushed in one by one thing, unpacked it, put it together and then positioned it in the right place in room.

Also after the breakfast they took their computers and other things they had in room and moved them to theirs.

After good three hours everything was done. And it's not enough to say that we were exhausted. I threw myself in bed laying on my back. Charles laid on my left and Carlos on my right.

"Let's take a picture to remember this as the first day of you trying to reach out on light." - Carlos said and took his phone out. We took picture and it was amazing. Our smiles just made it better.

He sent me photo after and I immediately put it on lockscreen. It was the first day I felt something good in myself in a long time.


First night in this room. Let's hope I have less nightmares here than in Charles' bed. As I was about lay down I heard knock and I turned to the door. "Yeah?"

Charles stepped in. "I wanted to ask you if you need anything? Extra blanket or pillow?" - He stood holding onto the door. "No thank you, I am fine." – I smiled turning fully towards him.

"By the way do you want to watch a movie with me and Carlos in living room? I don't know which one but we'll figure it out."

"Uh, yeah why not. I probably wouldn't fall asleep for some time." - I grabbed my phone and Charles stepped away for me to pass first. Minimum but noticeable.

We got down and Carlos was looking at TV and searching for a movie with one of his hands on a hip looking confused. Carlos always looked confused. I mean for last few days since I was here.

I took a picture of him as I sat down. To my right was Charles and to his right was Carlos. We all sat on same couch so we were all pretty close.

I brought both of my legs up to my chest putting pillow in between my thighs and chest and I don't know for which reason.

I took a picture of the TV and tagged Charles and Carlos then posted it on my story and soon after they reposted it. It was scary movie from 2000. And honestly it was really funny. I loved it. Especially the end.

But by that end I started getting requests on my Instagram profile. They all were because Charles and Carlos reposted my story. They were the only people I followed since I didn't know anyone's Instagram and few people from high school showed up. But with neither of them I was in really good relationship.

They suggested I put my profile on private for these kind of things and to not to care about their messages and comments if I ever get one of those hateful ones because of them.

They know I had problem with surviving and keeping myself alive so they don't really want those people to affect me or my mental health even more.

I had profile picture. Basic picture of myself in a mirror today after we finished my room. I wasn't looking ugly but neither pretty. But it was nice enough. On picture you could only see my face honestly so no one will know I was in pj's.

Soon after I started checking my DM's and seeing that people are calling me beautiful. That boosted my confidence a bit more. So many people were thinking I was pretty or stunning in the profile picture. These aren't bad as Carlos and Charles said they would be. 

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