17. He wanted to do it for quite some time

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"Uh, I have room. On name Jenna Garcia." – I said to the woman behind counter. She had dark skin and beautiful afro hair. She was also in suit and that made me think about my outfit tomorrow. I may wear suit.

"Yes, there is room signed on your name. Can I just check your ID?" – She spoke and I gave her my ID. "Thank you." – She gave it back to me. "Here is card for your room. Have a good night." – She smiled and I walked away as Carlos and Charles checked in the room. They had to share one but I am sure Ferrari bought them a good one.

Our rooms were one across each other and I was really grateful for it.

I brought my bags inside and I first went to take a shower. Being 12 hours in a plane isn't as easy as you think. Especially when you sleep for couple of hours.

I forgot to bring clothes with me so I had to walk to the living room with towel around me and on my hair. I opened my bag and started searching for underwear and some comfortable sweatpants.

I heard door opening behind me and I jumped. "Carlos? Oh my god you scared the hell out of me!" – I almost yelled and he backed away when he saw me with towel. "Oh I am so sorry! I should've knocked." – He lowered his head with half open door.

"No it's fine. I have towel. Just close the door please and lock them. I thought I did." – I walked back to bedroom. "Can I come in?" – He asked from the front door. "Yeah." – I shouted from bedroom. I got dressed and I walked back to the living room putting my shirt on.

When I looked at Carlos he was staring at me body blankly. "That scar?" – He pointed to my scar, it was very visible. Still after three years. "Uh, yeah. I don't really like talking about it. It was one of the five..." – I really didn't want to continue this topic and I wished he didn't point it out. But I somehow understand man's curiosity.

"Sorry if I reminded you of something and I am sure I did, but I wanted to see if you want to watch a movie. Just to relieve this stress I am sure we both have." – He explained still standing by the door. "Oh no worries and yeah, I would love to watch movie. Will Charles join us?" – I asked because he obviously seemed annoyed for some reason in plane.

"Unfortunately no. He said he wants to sleep and get good rest before tomorrow." – He explained and I looked down at the floor knowing there is something wrong with him. He wouldn't be distant from us.

"Oh, okay then. You can find movie to watch. This is some dope ass room by the way. It's like whole ass apartment." – I said walking towards the kitchen and finding papers on table.

He laughed but stopped as he saw me looking at some papers. "What is it?" – He asked walking over. "These are questions I am supposed to ask you tomorrow. You and other drivers." – I responded looking at question. "There is it. You don't have to stress about that." – He said standing behind me looking over my shoulder at questions. "Yeah, these are pretty similar to the ones I was thinking about asking." – I said and turned around to face his chest.

"Oh." – Was all I said when I lifted my head up looking at him. He didn't say anything nor did he move. He stared at me down. I liked his presence but I didn't know what do. I thought that if I move he'll move too. And I didn't want that. Deep inside of me I was burning with desire with him this close to me. "Carlos..." - I started but he interrupted.

"I don't want to be your big brother with same birthday..." – He whispered really close to my face and I felt his hot breath on my face. "I want to kiss you so badly." – I felt heat rush over my body as our skins touched.

His arm went to my shoulder and up to my jawline. "Then do it." – He didn't hesitate another second as he connected our lips. One of his hands on my waist and another one on my cheek.

His hands went down my body as he grabbed back of my thighs signaling me to jump and I did. He placed me on the table and we didn't break kiss.

Both of his hands went to my lower back as he pushed me closer to him. I moaned in the kiss and he broke it. We looked at each other's eyes, breathless. "I wanted to do this for a quite some time now." – He whispered still pressed to me. We connected our foreheads and cached our breaths.

"But let's not rush it for now. Let's get movie started." – He said and I nodded agreeing with him. He stepped away from me and cold breeze stepped in between us. I wanted to get warm, with him close to me.

He is the only man that can me think this from just one kiss and few movements. Right movements.

We walked to the couch. There were some sweets and snacks on the table so we brought it closer to us placing it in between. "We didn't get this in our room." – He sounded disappointed and I laughed at the tone. "Well, Sky Sports are treating me better than Ferrari you two. What can I say?" – He looked at me and took some of the snacks and so did I. We watched movie and during it he placed his arm over me bringing me closer to him.

And that's how we fell asleep. His alarm woke us up in the morning around 7:30am. "Good morning." – He said getting up. "Good morning." – I repeated going to the bathroom and doing what I needed.

I still had plenty of time to get to the job because they said I needed to be there at 1pm. The race starts at 4pm.

I got back to the living room and saw Carlos on his phone. "I need to go to the gym, do you want to go with us to the track earlier?" – He looked up to me and I nodded. "Yeah, sure. I'll be ready." – He got up kissing my forehead. "Alright. See you." – And then he closed the door. Wow. There was a lot to process since last night. That was definitely last thing I expected. 

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