24. She wanted to cry, but she didn't

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Carlos POV

I turned to take a look at Jenna for a thousand time this evening. I didn't see her in pool. Instead on her place I saw Luisa going out of the water as three girls I didn't see before looked at each other.

I followed Luisa trying to see where she is headed to. I saw Jenna looking lost. Her face without a color. She locked her eyes with mine. I saw her lips move as she whispered something before she lost the strength in her knees and fell down.

I ran towards her. "Jenna!" – Luisa yelled as she got to her before I did. Luisa took Jenna's head on her thighs as she called out for her. "Jenna?" – I said as I sat on my knees next to Luisa taking her body closer to me.

"Get some water." – I told Luisa and she got up running away. My right hand was under her, hugging her body while with my other hand I cupped her face calling out her name hoping she would hear me.

Someone stood in front of the light of the window. It was Charles. He came in right time honestly. "What happened?" – He almost yelled with worry and I didn't say anything. I kept on calling her as Luisa came with glass of water.

She poured some on my hand as I washed Jenna's face hoping cold water will get her back. Make her feel something so she can come back to me. I am no doctor. But I want her back.

"Jenna." – I was on the edge of crying as I took her face in my hand and turned her head in my direction. "Jenna please!" – I yelled as my eyes started tearing up. I was so scared I didn't think about anything else but on worse.

Charles' hands cupped her face as he tried slightly slapping her on cheeks and calling her name. I would be mad at Charles' for taking her away from me but her body was still close to mine. He just tried to wake her up.

He took little water in his hand and splashed it on her face. She shook up before opening her eyes. A rock fell from my heart. I felt little relaxed but there was still tension.

"Jenna." – She turned her head towards me as she heard my voice. Her eyes started watering and I hugged her tightly. I felt her shift under my body and I pulled us apart looking at her face.

"Please... I need to talk to you two." – She said and her voice almost broke. I saw worry and angriness in her eyes. She wanted to cry, but she didn't. I looked between her and Charles before helping her get up. She hugged Luisa who shed few tears as Lando was holding her close.

Jenna POV

"I am sorry for scaring you but we'll talk later... I will explain everything. But please don't tell anyone about what they said..." – I whispered to Luisa and she nodded. "I won't I promise." – I know this did almost nothing. As the whole internet will hear about it. And it already did. I just wish to know who told them about it.

I left with Charles and Carlos following me. Before we left Charles gave me towel and I put it over myself. We went to my room with no word spoken on the way there. We sat on couch, me on the opposite side of them,

"Did you tell the internet about my suicide attempts, death of my mother and other things..." – I sniffed before looking at both of them. Their faces have shown shock. Like they heard about this for the first time as well.

"What?" – Carlos almost yelled. "When did that got leaked?" – Charles followed. I lifted my head up at ceiling. "Well, while I was peacefully talking with Luisa, three girls approached us feeling pity for me, saying sorry and telling me that they found out over the internet." – I explained as their jaws slightly dropped.

"I was under so much stress, I think that's why I passed out..." – I added before they looked at each other. "I swear, we said nothing. We promised it to you. We promised to help you not expose your life problems." – Carlos defended both of them and I looked at Charles wanting him to speak.

"We are telling you the truth. There is no benefit for us in telling everyone about your past. We know it will make your life even worse and we would never do that." – Charles finished and I didn't know what to say.

"I want to die. None of this wouldn't have happened if you just left me at the bottom of that river." – I almost yelled. I felt so much anger in me that needed to be out.

"Don't say that!" – Now Charles yelled making me turn my head in his direction. "Look how far have you got. You have a job, you are in Abu Dhabi and you will be traveling around the world for next, god knows how many months. You can't stop and give up in the middle of it." – Carlos went towards me but he wasn't close at all. "I am sorry but I told you, you can't turn me away from my suicide thoughts. I know that I am going to end my life. And I am sorry because I yelled and because I assumed you would do one thing I asked you not to." – I felt tears roam down my face.

Charles took his phone out as Carlos hugged me kissing my head from time to time. "Dark past of the woman Charles Leclerc kissed after he won the Championship." – Charles spoke up. I didn't know I was famous by the name 'woman who Charles Leclerc kissed' 

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