52. It has always been hard for us

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"A..." – He stopped and looked up at me. "A friend." – He finished and I obviously had to continue to ask questions. This conversation isn't going anywhere anytime soon. "And what does your friend have to do about the situation you don't want to talk about, obviously." – I had a little voice in me screaming that is the obvious thing. But I didn't listen to it.

"She..." – Fucking pause. "Spent the night over in my hotel room." – I fought the tears in my eyes, and I felt weak at me knees. I fell back down on the couch and he rushed over getting on his knees beside the couch as I stared at one corner feeling weak to fight the tears away.

"It's not like that. It's not what you're thinking about." – I looked at him with tearful eyes. "Then what is it Charles? The way you are saying things, puts it like that!" – I almost yelled, but I couldn't.

"I know, sorry. But that's not it. She is a daughter of your father. Your step sister." – I got even more confused by this. "What does it have to do with me that she is my step sister? You know I don't want to do anything with my father or his other family." – He again, wasn't talking.

"Jenna, please. Listen to me. I can't be with you anymore." – My heart just started speeding up. "What?" – I almost whispered feeling my heart break. "You have to run away. They will come here tomorrow or any day after. They are coming for you." – His eyes started tearing up and I felt my breathing slowing down each moment.

"What? Why? Charles you are scaring me." – I find it hard to breathe at this moment. His pauses made me want to die. Right here, right now.

"Jenna, your father and sister want to put you in mental hospital. They already informed the workers in nearest mental hospital about you and your behavior. They told them to bring you there, and they will come tomorrow." – I felt my heart crush in my chest. "You are not mental case and you are not for that place. They told horrible things about you and they don't realize you've become better. Jenna if your father gets you, you will be under his control for god knows how much time. I want you to run not because of mentl hopsital, but your father. I know you don't want to be close to him."

My whole body except my mind stopped working. I saw few tears escape his eyes as I started at him. "And how do you know that he is coming here? He doesn't know about me being on this address." – I tried to find a way of staying and not leaving Charles or Carlos.

"It slipped I swear I didn't want to tell them, but please I want to make things right. Just go away from this place as far as possible." – He barely found strength to say those words out loud. But I heard them. Loud and clear. I wish I didn't thought.

Carlos just then came down with sad look on his face, his eyes already red from previous crying. I gathered the strength in me and ran towards the kitchen taking first bigger knife I saw.

"Jenna!" – I heard one of them yell behind me. I turned around to face them. I noticed fear on their faces and I started to sob uncontrollably. Just when I thought nothing could go wrong anymore.

Just when I thought that I have been through enough, god says, sike you thought. "Please, don't hurt yourself." – Charles' voice broke as he said it. "Jenna, listen to him. Please." – Carlos added saying it a bit louder than Charles did.

"I can't do it anymore." – I cried out as I fell down to the floor hearing sharp noise of the knife hitting the floor. Carlos carefully took it away from me and Charles pulled me in his embrace rocking side to side, and kissing my head.

"Please, make it stop. I can't take it, I can't, I can't, I can't." – I repeated and begged for help I knew they couldn't give me. "I am so sorry I can't. I wish you could believe me." – He sobbed through the words and I cried in his arms, feeling my heart falling apart.

"I don't want to go away from you, I don't. I never wanted to." – I continued thinking of how could two people that I met last year, mean to me this much. Our bond was never meant to be broken.

"I know, and I don't want you to go but you have to. I am sorry it's my fault they found out where we live but I swear to you I will find you. We will find each other again, just know isn't the right time. Please, just-" – I pushed him away and stood up walking towards living room with him following me close. Carlos was nowhere to be seen.

"Jenna please-" – He started but I turned around and faced him with bad vision. "Make me hate you." I whispered making him take a step back. "Jenna-" – He started again. "Make me hate you please, I can't live with myself knowing that I am far away from you without a valid reason." – I cried out one more time.

Charles' POV

I can't make her hate me. It would ruin both of us, I know and I don't want that. I want to find her for a year or few months, when she is away from this problem that was partly my fault.

"Make me hate you, say something Charles!" – She stepped towards me and I didn't dare to move, I felt like if I did I would let her go easily and I wasn't even holding onto her. "Make me fucking hate you Charles!"

She yelled in my face as after every word she hit me in my chest. I wanted to feel physical pain but right now at the moment it couldn't be bigger than the one I am feeling inside of me.

She continued hitting me when Carlos came down the stair and took her away. I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting to see her broken. But when I opened them Carlos had his arms around her while she cried in his embrace.

I wanted to die but know that she doesn't feel any more pain. Seeing her suffer is greater pain than death to me. And it's making me want to die.

"You have to go now, I packed your bag just for few nights. You have money in there for a hotel and other things you will need." – Carlos explained to her and she looked me dead in the eyes before she took the bag and ran out of the door.

I walked outside to see her getting in car. She is not going away with proper goodbye, I can't do that to us. "Jenna, please. You can't go away without a goodbye." – I walked over to her car but she closed the door and turned on the engine.

She drove away. Away from me and our feelings. But not my heart.

I got in my car and Carlos stopped me from walking in by keeping his hand on the door of the car, I looked at him. "You will make it hard for both of you." – He said to me and I removed his hand from the doors of my car. "It has always been hard for us." – I drove away and tried to think of where she'd go.

I followed the way she went by before few moments. I saw her car in distance taking a turn to right. I took first right to go the short way and maybe find her and be closer to her than I already am. 

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