44. There you go again

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Jenna's POV

Bright light made me open my eyes, no sound as I was expecting from the last thing that happened before I suppose I fainted. I felt horrible pain in my back and lower abdomen. Whenever I tried to move a muscle it would hurt my whole nervous system.

I barely turned my head to the right seeing Charles with his head in his hands as he leaned down. "Charles." – What I wanted to be a normal tone, came out as whisper. But he heard and with swift move came over to me.

"Are you okay? How are you feeling?" – He immediately asked and I slightly smiled at his worried look. "I'm fine." – My voice was back to normal as I cleared my throat for a bit.

"How come you didn't tell me?" – He started after few seconds of frustrated expression. I furrowed my eyebrows at his question. "What are you talking about?" – I had slight smile on my face.

"Jenna you lost my baby..." – He said and I noticed anger in his eyes as soon as he saw my smile. But it disappeared at his words.

Baby? Baby...

"Baby?" – I placed my hand on my stomach feeling tears in my eyes. "Jenna, why didn't you tell me? I thought you could trust me." – He stood up from bed walking around the room. "Charles," – I wanted to speak but he interrupted me with raised tone in his voice. "If you just told me that you were pregnant none of this would've happened. You know that if you were honest with me none of this would've happen!" – It came out as yell from him and I closed my eyes wanting him to stop, I can't take hearing shouting anymore.

"Jenna, do you understand what you did by keeping this a secret? You killed my baby!" – He yelled. "I didn't know!" – I instantly yelled back. He breathed deeply few times. "What?" – His voice broke.

"I didn't fucking know I was pregnant, okay?" – I cried out and sobbed few times before he came to sit next to me, hugging me close to him. "I am sorry baby. I am so fucking sorry for yelling like that." – He kissed my head countless times as I was crying in his chest.

"Charles you had no right to yell at me like that. You scared me even more." – I pulled away from his tight grasp. He looked at me with disappointed look. He felt disappointed for letting himself act like that.

"I know, I'm so sorry for letting my anger overtake. I'm sorry for letting it all on you. I shouldn't have done it. I should've listen you in the first place. I feel so fucking mad at myself for doing that now." – He explained himself and I tried to read his face. "Charles, you acted so selfish right now. You were only thinking about you losing the child. I lost it too." – I responded as he looked at me with surprised look.

"I know, I said bunch of stupid things in rush of anger. I am apologizing and I am not taking the blame for losing the child." – He said and my expression changed and he noticed. "What? You're blaming me?" – I asked as he sighed looking around the room.

"I am not blaming you, you didn't know. It's no one's fault. But you said you'd take the pill in the morning." – He said comfortably and my mouth slightly opened. "You just fucking blamed me." – I responded and he scoffed. "I didn't blame you! Are you hearing me? I said you'd take the pill but you forgot, and it happens. Plus it's not like you purposely lost the child anyway. You didn't know, and the only thing that matters now is your health. Let's focus on that first and we'll figure out the rest later." – He explained himself once more as my jaw clenched.

"Whatever. I told you my life can't be good. Worse and worse things are happening, until I get to one something will kill me." – I looked away not wanting to look at him again. "There you go again. You can't judge life just on your bad moments. You can't tell me you didn't have great ones." – He protested looking my way as I saw in the corner of my eye.

"You can when they define who you are, and scar you for fucking life." – I almost yelled as I felt anger overtaking me. I can't believe that just when I woke up, I have to argue. This is not first thing I imagines I would do.

"But you can change who you are and let the scars heal, Jenna. Come on tell me. Did you have fun since New Year? Yeah, party was partly shit, but do you really regret that we tried something that night? Do you regret everything that happened between us since then?" – He yelled back as I snapped. "You tell me! I said I love you and I mean it Charles, but since you walked in this room I don't think you have the same feeling as that night." – I protested and he sighed looking down at the floor.

"How do you expect me to feel, hm?" – He hummed looking straight into my eyes as they were full of anger. "I just lost my child, Jenna! What do you expect from me, to dance around and feel all happy?" – He continued and I shout out at him. "Our child! It was mine as well, don't be selfish thinking only about your feelings here Charles." – And again, tears were brought to my eyes as I stared at his brown glossy ones. He wanted to cry to, but he didn't want to seem weak and show his emotions.

But it seems like he already gave up on this topic. "Why don't you just listen to me for once?" – He hissed through his teeth trying not to let even more anger on me. "We are blaming each other every time some shit happens, and I can't take it anymore. Not like this." – My head shot up at him.

His lower lip was shaking with stress he had at the moment and tear fell down his face. "I'm going home. Get rest, I'll see you tomorrow." – He stormed out of the room almost slamming door behind himself. 

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