18. What if he lied last night

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That got me thinking of Charles. What if Carlos lied last night that Charles didn't want to join us, just so he could get some time alone with me. But I don't think Carlos would actually do that to his friend for a girl he knows for two weeks or so.

But besides that I needed to get ready and I did. I wore suit, with while undershirt under. And some heels that are not even that high. I expect it to be long day with all the drivers and not just them but their team principals and whoever is important.

I got my bag ready and I remembered papers with questions so I decided to bring them with me also. I heard knock on my door as I was looking at questions and drinking coffee. "It's me. Are you ready?" – I heard strong Spanish accent on the other side of the door. "Yeah, I'll be right out." – I took my bag from couch and opened the door.

"Well, you look very professional and beautiful at the same time." – Carlos smiled looking me up and down. "Thank you, Carlos. I tried my best." – I thanked him and locked my room going with Carlos to the elevator.

When we got in I wanted to speak up but Carlos connected our lips harshly as soon as elevator door closed making me hit the wall of it.

"I wanted to do it whole morning I was practicing in the gym." – He said as he pulled away with his hand on my chin keeping my head up. "You were thinking about me whole morning?" – I asked quietly kind of being shy. "I indeed did." – He answered without hesitation smirking.

I smiled as he stepped away from me. "But we're still friends. We won't rush." – I reminded him and he nodded. "Of course. We'll take it slow." – He didn't sound hurt as I expected him to be. And I was happy that he wasn't. I really plan on taking this slow.

"Where is Charles?" – I asked. And I think I ruined mood. I always ask about him. But I have to. He seems kind of off, and I want to know why is he like that? Maybe I can help him. Like he helped me. When I needed someone. But as with Charles, it is the same for Carlos. I will bet there for them when they need me. They can count on me.

We got to the lobby and we started walking out when I noticed bunch of paparazzi. I didn't expect them to be here in front of the hotel but they are here as well I guess. Before we walked through the door I heard voice behind me. "Ms. Garcia?" – It was familiar voice and when I turned I saw woman from reception walking towards me. "They left this for you this morning. They said you will need it." – She walked away handing me covert. I looked at Carlos and he was confused as always.

I opened it and it was paddock pass. I totally forgot I would need it. I thought I could just say I'm journalist and walk in. World doesn't work like that.

I placed it around my neck and I threw cover in nearest trash bin inside the hotel. When we walked out I heard bunch of people yelling Carlos' name to look in their direction.

I kept my head down but I noticed someone coming towards us. It was Charles. He seemed a bit better than last night but I still felt that something was off with him. "Good morning." – He smiled. But it wasn't real Charles' smile. His dimples didn't show up at all. "Morning." – I replied and I saw Carlos opening the door for driver's seat of, yet another Ferrari.

I saw him open the door of the passenger seat and motion with his hand for me to get in. "Excuse me." – I walked past Charles getting in the car as Carlos closed the door. I looked to where Charles was standing and he was nowhere to be found now.

Carlos walked in driver's seat and started the car. "Where is Charles?" – I asked yet another time about Charles. "He is going with his own car. He brought it all the way from Monaco and he is proud to drive it even here in Abu Dhabi. And I rented out this one. Mine is at home in Spain." – I nodded as he explained.

"You seem to ask a lot about Charles since last night." – He broke the silence and I looked in his direction. "Last night in jet. He seemed kind of off. And even this morning. I am concerned about him." – I explained.

"He's always like that before races. And especially now. He might win his first championship. It is his dream come true. He is under the pressure don't worry about him." – He assured me but I knew that if he was nervous about the race he would talk to one of us.

But maybe he talked to Carlos about it. 

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