5. Yeah, you've got them

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I woke up to someone ringing on the doorbell. I shifted around and I realized where I am. It's not my house, I am not supposed to open the door I guess so I'll just stay in bed for few more minutes.

But doorbell kept on going off and nobody seemed to open it. I eventually got out of the bed and made my way downstairs to see that nobody was in kitchen or living room.

Doorbell still went off few times before I reached the door and opened them. I froze at the sight. Him. Michael. Oh fucking no. How the fuck did he find me?

I wanted to close the door but he was stronger than me as one man is. I left doors and I ran upstairs to lock myself in room but he caught me on the stairs.

I tried to kick him off by hitting him with legs but he caught them and placed them between his thighs so I couldn't move them.

He used his hands to put my arms up above me. "Please..." – I cried out as he smiled. "Oh, I've missed you so much baby..." - He breathed out then started kissing me all over my neck and collarbone. I screamed hoping that someone would hear me. Or that Charles and Carlos are somewhere near.

I was shaking but it was not my body that made that reaction on itself. I gasped waking up, finally. I put my hands around my throat looking down to where I am and realizing that it was all a nightmare. Charles was sitting on the side of the bed with his hands on my thigh and other one on my back.

Carlos ran in the room with water soon after and he kneeled before bed. I took it and took few sips before calming myself down.

"Oh god." – I whispered looking at the glass in my hands. "I am sorry." - I apologized and I don't even know what for.

"There is nothing to feel sorry about. You had a bad dream we all have it, but you scared us. You started screaming and crying." - Carlos said with his soft accent and I looked at him then at Charles.

"This happens not that often but when it does its really bad. And it just happened to be tonight." - I looked out of the window seeing that was still night.

"What time it?" - I asked and Carlos pulled out his phone. "Uh, 3:27am" - he shoved his phone back into his pocket. "Yeah, sorry for waking you up. You probably have to be somewhere tomorrow. You are busy I am sure." - I covered myself with sheets again making Charles' hand slip away from my thigh and back.

"We don't actually. Don't worry about that." - Charles responded standing up. "Do you need any pills for sleeping? Or something like that. I think we might have some." - He continued and I looked at them. "Yeah, that would help." - Carlos walked out of the room.

Charles sat on the bed again closer to me this time. "Do you want to tell me what was it about?" – I didn't know what should I say. But I already told them my whole story of the life.

"Michael." - I looked down burying myself in sheets with my knees up to my chest. "I heard doorbell, neither of you were in the house." - Carlos walked in with glass full of water and a pill. "So I opened the door and Michael went in. I tried to run away from him but he caught me on the stairs and well... And I assume you know what he tried to do before you guys woke me up." – I explained taking glass of water and a pill.

I swallowed it and they were still in silence. "Don't worry, he won't hurt you." - Charles assured me as I placed glass on the table beside the bed. "Yeah, you've got us." - Carlos added with his cute accent and I smiled.

"Thank you. I will never be able to thank you for what you did to me. Even if I wish you didn't." - I looked down again wishing how would it be if it never got to this nightmare.

"Don't think about that. As Carlos said you have us and we'll show you the real light of the world." - Charles said and I looked at him.

"You won't be able to talk me out of my suicide thoughts. If that's what you want to do. I know that I'll die with suicide it's just matter of time. But how's it going it seems like something will kill me before I kill myself. You just extended my time on earth. But even that has limits." - I explained and they looked at each other.

"Why are you being so hard on yourself?" - Charles asked. "I am not. I know myself and I am only speaking the truth. I know in the end I'll kill myself. Sooner or later." - I finished and it seems like they are too. They know they can't talk me out of it right now.

"We'll leave you to have some sleep." - Carlos said patting Charles on the back signing for him to leave the room. "I just wish you would see the world from the point of view we see it." - Charles said and they walked out of the room closing the door with moon light as source of the light in room.

Fatal Accident (C.L. & C.S.)Where stories live. Discover now