28. His lust and desire overtook

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"You know very well what I mean, Charles." – And now, I know it isn't the right moment to say anything to her. This just doesn't sound like her. It would be even worse if in the morning she regrets it. Then I would feel guilty of taking an advantage of her and listening to alcohol while it spoke out of her mouth.

"Let's go back to the hotel." – I lowered my head not knowing what to say or do anymore. I really didn't want anything to happen because it will make things very awkward between us. And if I had to choose between having one night with her and making things awkward or waiting for the right moment just to have her for myself. Then I am choosing the second option.

Because I feel like her 'we can do this more often' would be when she is drunk. And it would just feel wrong on my side, and I am sure she will feel the same way when she sobers up.

"Okay..." - She smirked at me and I knew what she thought about when I said I wanted to go back to the hotel. But I didn't say anything because if I did say that we are just going back, and that nothing would happen, she would protest and it will make things harder for both of us.

Everything that happened tonight was just so wrong. If I was drunk it would be kind of acceptable, but I was sober and I let everything happen. I should be the one protecting her from everything and not giving in, when she kissed me and all other things. I feel kind of bad and guilty.

And as a décor on the cake, there were people around us. Which I didn't really care about until I remembered that someone might be filming and posting it on the internet. I just know she will feel bad if she sees those videos in the morning.

It's not like her sister ruined her life again, by leaking her biggest secret to the world already. I know that internet will be her problem through the life. Accusations, rumors, hate, comments. It will be too much for her if she doesn't learn how to live with it. And that's why I am here. That's what I promised to her. To help her find light in her life, not to give her more reasons to be ashamed of her life. And I think I just did. Sure, she did start some things but I could've stopped them right after.

But my lust and my desire overtook. I was powerless in those moments. And she doesn't even know how much power she has over me. I grabbed her hand and we walked through the crowd until we found Lando and Luisa.

We told them, well I did, that we were going to the hotel, and they said they would too, but first he has some friends he wants to say goodbye to before he leaves. As racing weekend is done, and season as well.

Me and Jenna walked out of the club and went to the parking to my car. I opened her doors to the co-driver seat and she sat in, and so did I. She was shifting in her seat.

"Are you uncomfortable?" – I asked still being focused on the road in front of me. "A little bit..." – She almost whispered lowering herself in the seat and spreading her legs a little, in very short dress, should I mention?

I still didn't look at her but I could see her move in the corner of my eye. I took in deep breath being focused on the road, ahead. "You liked me a minutes ago." – She corrected herself in her seat and I could see her staring at me.

"You are drunk... I am not taking advantage just because you are..." – I replied stopping at the red light and leaning to my left, on the window looking trough. "What makes you back up? I know it's not just that. Come on, tell me..." – She got a bit closer to me, but there was still good amount of place between us.

"I don't want you to regret it... Plus, someone might have filmed everything tonight. Your sister already exposed half of your life, you think that if they leak these videos, it will make your life easier? Please... Let's not do anything tonight. And you'll have horrible headache in the morning, let's think what you should do in that case..." – I said kind of harshly and I felt bad for snapping at her. But I feel like it was the only way she could back up a little.

She got back in her seat and I started driving after seeing green light turn on. There was silence for few minutes before she spoke up again. "What you said earlier... You want to have me for yourself... And not just for one night. Do you really mean that?" – Yes I do... I want you for myself.

I was surprised she remembers that at all. Alcohol is still strong with her but she is getting to herself. I stayed silent not being sure what to say to her... But gladly, she didn't ask any further questions as we got to the hotel.

Elevator ride was very awkward. I never experienced this kind of silence with her and I hate it. I don't know what to do. Should I tell her the truth? Or should I wait some more time.

I decided to wait as this day was hell for everyone, especially her. What she needs now is a good night of sleep and some good rest. And I intend on giving it to her because she deserves it.

We walked to her hotel room and I opened it for her. She got in collapsing on the couch and sighting really loud. I chuckled at her action and walked over to her standing beside the couch. "Come on, you have to take the make-up off and change, then you can sleep." – I encouraged her patting her on her back and keeping my hand on her upper back.

"I am too tired to do any of that." – She mumbled in pillow and I took her for her shoulders picking her up to sit. "Come on, I'll help you." – I helped her get up and we walked over to the bathroom.

I motioned for her to sit on the sink. I eventually found her make-up bag and found micellar water and started taking off her make-up, while her eyes were tiredly closed. She was slightly rocking back and forth with her upper body trying so bad to stay awake.

I smiled at her actions and continued on with my work. Eventually I finished and we walked over to her bedroom where I took out some shirt and shorts from her clothes. The first I found.

She was already laying on her back with closed eyes, which did not surprise me. I dragged her up to sit and I pulled her dress over her head and with real struggle putting shirt on and then shorts. It was even harder but at some point she started cooperating and crawled back to her pillow. I pulled her sheets over her and kissed her forehead for goodnight.

She mumbled something and I turned back to see if she said anything to me. "You said something?" – I repeated waiting for her response. After some moments she loudly said. "Don't leave, c'mon. I know you're tired too." – She didn't turn herself to me but talked.

"Do you know who I am?" – I asked to see if she knows who I am before calling me to lay with her. After all it could be alcohol speaking which I am pretty sure it is.

"Are you a serial killer? – She asked. "No?" – I responded with confusion. "Rapist?" – She said again. "No." – I was getting more and more confused by each second. "Drug dealer? Wait no, they are actually good people. I know some of them. But you're not a rapist nor a serial killer, so you are welcome to lay next to me." – She didn't turn to face me at any point in this conversation and I laughed.

Well, nothing will happen so I guess sleeping in the same bed isn't as bad. 

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