9. Perhaps she will never tell him

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The shopping was going far. We were in 3 stores by now and we are in fourth one. I bought myself bunch of pants but less shirts because they have a lot of Ferraris shirts which I really find cool. There are Ferrari jackets too, and sweatpants as well. Almost everything.

"Come on here." - Charles said and I followed him. Carlos was nowhere to be seen but I assume he is trapped somewhere himself.

We went in another store and he started looking at beds. "You want a new bed?" – I asked carrying few bags behind me. I can't help but feel sorry about all the money they are spending on me. I really don't want to be in depth for the rest of my life.

"No it's for you." - He said walking around. "But you don't have an extra room." - I added being confused. "We actually do, but out computers are in it. We stream there. But Carlos and I decided last night that we'll move them to our room so you can have your own." - He continued on looking at beds and touching how comfortable each one of them is.

"Charles this is too much. I would be happy with couch in living room if you want to go back in your bed, I swear. At least I have warmness and roof over my head." - I stopped him by taking his arm and standing still.

"We said we will help you, it is my will and no one made me do it, so please help me choose you a bed." – I sighed seeing that I can't talk him out of it.

Carlos came soon after breathless. "Look." - He pointed out a box on which phone was pictured. An Iphone. "It's for you." - He got it even closer to me. "Guys come on, I thought we were buying just clothes. This it too fucking much already." - I said and they looked at each other.

"We choose to help you, and it's our will." - He shoved the phone in one of the bags. I turned around and looked at Charles then back at Carlos. "You practiced this speech, didn't you?" - They shrugged their shoulders and smiled as I shook my head.

Eventually we found bed and they wanted me to pick out a toilet table for my make-up, hygiene stuff and some shoes, after that they made me choose wardrobe. As we got out it was already dark. They decided to take dinner and bring it home, and we did.

I went to my room soon after because tomorrow we'll start doing my room because things will be here around afternoon.

Before I went to sleep I thought about everything they did for me in such a short time. I mean sure they live on the brighter side, they are rich, they have friends, they are popular. But I am sure even they have their own problems and they are just covering them with good things.

Maybe that's what I should've done a long time ago. But I don't have enough good memories or things that can cover the bad ones.

The ones I remember are my party for my 10th birthday, the day I met Aisha, and they day I went with my parents and sister in Disneyland. The ones I remember and the ones I will remember for the rest of my life.

And don't even get me started on bad ones. There is too much to remember of them. But maybe if I try to put them in the back of my brain and if I just start distracting myself and putting it before bad memories it won't be that hard to make myself love life again.

I fell asleep and I woke up as I felt hard strong around my waist. I don't remember anyone sleeping next to me. I turned around and I saw Charles. What the fuck? How did I not hear him? When? How?

"Charles?" – I whispered. "Hm?" - He didn't open his eyes yet but I knew he was awake. "When did you in the bed?" - I asked turning myself fully towards him. "Last night, you asked me to be with you because of nightmare." - He still didn't open his eyes. But his arms were still around my waist.

"I don't remember it." – I was confused at this point. I really don't remember any nightmare or asking him to stay with me. "Well, you did. You can ask Carlos if you don't believe me and you think I just came in bed with you for some kind of pleasure or so." – I do trust him but it's weird that I don't remember anything. If I didn't remember the nightmare I would at least remember conversation.

I heard door open and I looked at it expecting Carlos. But it was much more violating door opening. It was Michael. I saw gun in his hand as he pointed it out to Charles.

"No!" - I yelled and he shot Charles before he even got chance to turn around. Blood splashed around my face and I was shaking as I was crying.

"Jenna!" –I gasped opening my eyes now for real. I gasped for air as much as I could. I felt sweat or tears? I don't know what is it really.

"Jenna?" - I saw Charles kneeling beside me with one of his hands on my back. I hugged him as tightly as I could and my movement brought him up to sit on the bed beside me.

I calmed and he took my face in his hands. "It's okay. Whatever it was, it was just a dream. You are safe now." - He made me look at him and I covered his hands with mine.

He wiped my cheeks with his thumbs as he still didn't remove them from my face. I looked him deeply in the eyes with images from my dream flashing in front of my eyes. I never want it to happen. Even if it was unreal, I am still scared of it.

My eyes started to water again and I closed them. He let go of me and came to sit on the bed from the other side of it. He sat up and opened his arms for me to come in and lay with him.

I immediately remember the dream. But at the same time I remembered the zero possibility of it happening. He doesn't know I am here and he's probably not in New York around holidays.

I took deep breath with teary eyes and I hugged him with my head laying on his chest. His right arm was scratching mine and the other one was around my waist.

"Don't worry darling. Whatever it is I won't let it happen." – Darling? That's very comforting when he says it. But that's the problem. It happened to him because of me in the dream. Who knows what will happen if he sees me outside with Charles walking beside me. Michel always found thought of me with any other man in any relationship disgusting.

He believes that after he took my virginity, he has every right to do with me whatever he wants.

After few minutes of comfortableness he broke the silence. "What was it about?" - He asked as we laid in the same position.

"Don't ruin the mood now." - I whispered closing my eyes and he sighed. Perhaps I will never tell him. 

Fatal Accident (C.L. & C.S.)Where stories live. Discover now