1 ¦ Welcome To My Enemies

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I was sitting in a half-empty bus on the way to my new boarding school. The bus chugged along the bumpy road.

My father was a total workaholic, which is why I was sent to boarding school by him again. I still loved him and he loved me. His busy schedule would never change that.

Oh yes, he was also a single parent. My mother had passed away at an early age. Please, no pity! After all, I couldn't even remember her.

My father earned quite well, which is why he could always afford expensive boarding schools for me. But my last boarding school has closed. Now on the quick, I am on the way to a former boys boarding school. It was located in the middle of nowhere, at the ass end of nowhere, which is why I was now on this bus here.

There was a lot of forest in this area we were leading through and the sky was full of gray clouds that wouldn't let it stop raining. Melancholic welcoming weather for me. Yey...

I was listening to 'Burn it' by Agust D and staring boredly out the window, which was covered with raindrops. My dark brown hair and green eyes were clearly reflected in the window.

I sighed, I was the new girl again, plus the excessive number of boys at the boarding school. Both annoying! Well, at least it couldn't be a boarding school full of bitches. Thank God! That would have been it.

At the last boarding school, not a day went by without at least one bitch fight. They fought there with freshly filed nails and heels. And let someone tell me again that girls couldn't really hurt someone! Because they could.

At seventeen years old, I could use a change of pace. That's why I loved my cell phone and my headphones. No kidding, I would even call them my best friends, because with both of them you could isolate yourself so perfectly from everyday life. And I was addicted to music anyway.

Finally the rocking bus stopped with an abrupt braking, so that I almost kissed the seat in front of me. It stopped at a corner in a village that consisted almost entirely of old buildings. Any art teacher would celebrate this village so hard.

It didn't look like there was a Starbucks here. To be honest, it looked like there was nothing here at all. Sighing, I got off and heaved my suitcase down the stairs of the bus. I was hoping to have a Starbucks nearby this time.

The bus moved on, leaving me behind.

A large, metal tower clock told me 6:33 pm. I glanced down the cobblestone street and spotted a coffee shop called 7Clouds. I had to ask someone for directions.

I dragged my silver suitcase noisily behind me to the café and asked a person hidden behind a newspaper where St. Mary Boarding School was located.

The newspaper was slowly lowered and a guy about my age appeared. A good looking one. Well, at least in this remote place. He raised an eyebrow and eyed me apathetically.

"And who, may I ask, would like to know?" What did he care? Couldn't he just tell me where the boarding school was? Bruh... I rolled my eyes.

"My name, in giving directions to the boarding school, probably won't help you one bit, but if you're so eager, Mira." I braced my left hand on my hip and gritted my teeth softly. The stranger gave me a quick grin and replied, "Why are you being so cocky, Mira?"

Okay, I didn't like the guy and he seemed to be trying to provoke me. I really didn't have to deal with that. I rolled my eyes, turned around and walked away. I would find this stupid boarding school even without the help of this arrogant guy! Unexpectedly, the arrogant guy was now walking next to me and enlightened me with a smirk.

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