24 ¦ Are you vampires?

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1st month without Jay, January:

Oh, lord... Training with Hoon was getting more strenuous by the day. He knew that by training harder I was getting tougher and better, but this was sooo.... exhausting. Tired, I shuffled back to the mansion for what felt like the hundredth time this week. I felt every single one of my damn bones in my body. I was about to shuffle up the wide staircase in the entrance hall when someone rang the doorbell. 

Astonished, I turned around and grumbled, "Now what moron forgot his key? I don't even remember anyone leaving from us." Curious, I made my way to the door and opened it. 

A pair of ice-blue eyes scrutinized me from top to bottom. Standing in front of me was Barbie herself. The woman standing in front of me was probably in her early twenties and had a super figure. She had a high ponytail and wore light blue jeans with rips. She also had a white spaghetti strap top and a black leather jacket, which matched her black heeled shoes perfectly. Wow... 

In contrast, I just looked like Cinderella before her transformation. I forced myself to grin and kindly asked, "Is there anything I can help you with?" 

A big grin formed on her face and her pink lips opened, "I'm Nikita Collins and I'm the inspector assigned to House nr. 1 on Level 1. You could get your house supervisor Mr. Levi Ackermann here, that would be really nice." Nodding, I turned around and caught sight of Levi hurrying down the stairs.

"I think that takes care of itself, Mrs. Collins." I said with a grin. Laughing, Mrs. Collins replied, "Haha, I see. But just call me Nikita, I'm not that much older than you." 

Just as I was about to retort something, Levi squeezed past me and muttered, "What do you look like, Miri? You better go freshen up." before reaching out his hand to Nikita and welcoming her. You too, Levi! At least I was working out and keeping fit while he was just reading books day after day. 

Annoyed, I walked through the entrance hall and then up the wide staircase. On the way up, Ni-ki approached me and asked, "What's going on down there?" 

Sighing, I replied, "Apparently, we're stuck with a school inspector or something for a while." 

He peered down at the door, licked his lips and purred, "Hmm, fresh meat. It sure looks good enough to eat." 

Disgusted, I replied, "Eww, are you serious, Ni-ki? Get a grip on yourself. Can't you even look at a woman normally without immediately thinking about wanting to eat her up?!" 

Grinning, he pointed a finger at me and said, "Well, if the woman is walking around in a get-up like you are right now, I can pull myself together. Seriously, you look beaten... Go take a shower!" 

Immediately, he cashed in on a dope punch from me to the pit of his stomach. "You're so mean, seriously what is wrong with you all lately?" I complained. 

Exasperated, I ran further up the stairs and went to take a shower. While feeling the soothing warm water on my skin, I thought about the boys. In the last few weeks, they had become so much more physical and unruly. Everything since Jay was gone... Was this their way of showing they missed someone, or what? 

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