58 ¦ Epilouge

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4 weeks later:

After several funerals and memorial ceremonies that were held for Principal Mary and Hee-jin, the normal school routine was back. We all slowly put the sadness behind us and everything returned to normal. As far as one could speak of 'normal' at this boarding school.

The bell rang.

Grinning, my class stood up and drowned out Mrs. Chwe's last words. It was Friday, which meant weekend. Yass!

I opened the door and rushed into the hallway, only to knock someone over. I found myself on the floor, under a pile of smelly files. As a vampire, though, you smelled everything.

I rose from the rancid piles of paper and saw Levi collecting them again. Ah so it was time. I grinned.

"Well, ready to move into your new office? Mr. Principal Ackermann?"

Levi pushed his glasses higher with a smile and muttered, "Still Levi for you, please. And no, the situation is still unfamiliar to me. I'm not afraid of the paperwork or anything, but I do have the fears of maybe not being able to communicate well with the students or misunderstanding them. It, it might-"

I grabbed Levi by the shoulders and shook him briefly. "Calm down, Levi! You were the perfect, even overqualified, house leader with us. You'll rock the principal's office. Seriously, there's nothing you can't do. Now pull yourself together and don't worry. After all, you got along with us for a long time and you were a great house leader."

Levi and I stood up again and he thanked us with a smile, "You really know how to encourage people, Mira. Thanks."

I grinned, "Not for this." Levi disappeared down the hallway and I stared after him.

All of a sudden, the door to our classroom opened again and I got this full can in the back. Ouch.

"You fatty always get in the way too." Groused Jisung.

Pissed off, I turned around and retorted, "Says the biggest fatty of them all?"

Laughing, he put an arm around me and said, "You're right again. Well, I still have maths class now. Death I'm coming. See you around, Kim." I waved at him.

I bet you're wondering now what went wrong with us. Haha, well after fighting the Inferiors and Minghao & Josh Xu together, it strengthened our cohesion at this boarding school. Even if Blondie sometimes still had real problems, in the meantime he listened to me. Now that I was a vampire, I could really kick his ass and get my way.

From the left I heard a, meanwhile familiar, voice. It was Annabeth.

She yelled through the mass of students, "EREN, COME HERE! I'M HERE!" and waved as if she had done nothing else in her life.

Eren scurried over to her and complained, "Don't yell like that in front of everyone in the hallway. I'm comin... It's so embarrassing with you!"

Smiling, she brushed some of his dark hair out of his face and smiled at me. She had gray eyes and black hair, which she wore in a modern short hairstyle. Her undercover work had really saved all our asses.

She was now staying here for the last year, until Eren's graduation, and then she was going to take him with her, to Boston. Sara was already sad, but understood that he wanted to live with his aunt. After all, she was all that was left of his family.

All of a sudden I had a familiar smell in my nose. I ran down the hall and looked at the entrance to the school. There he was.


I dashed up to him and hugged him from behind.

Laughing, he turned and hugged me sensibly. "I came from the other building to pick you up, Zaila. Come the others are already waiting in the limo!" And yes I don't mind it anymore when he calls me that, it's kind of his nickname for me. But only he has my permission to call me that, the other get a punch from me if they call me that.

I hooked up with him and we drove home with the others. Today was supposed to be a barbecue, a farewell party for Levi since he would now be principal.


We grilled, laughed and enjoyed the warmth of the very last summer day. What a school year... And now I was also a vampire.

I had to tell my father sometime, but I was sure he would still love me. That wasn't my biggest concern now. My biggest concern was how my life would go on. I would now live a very long time. What was I going to do with this mass of time? And how could I use my abilities for good things?

After all, I didn't want to end up in this boarding school. But one thing I knew: I always wanted to stay together with these wonderful people here, my family.

Sighing, I stared up at the bright blue summer sky. The smell of grilled meat hung in the air and you could hear our house laughing.

I looked around at the happy crowd and said, "Guys I really love you all so much." Sometimes I just got sentimental. Which could also be due to the heightened emotions, due to my newbeing as a vampire. But it was true. There was nowhere I preferred to be.

Hoon came up to me and hugged me. "We love you too!" He purred.

Jay rose, quirked his eyebrows, and came walking toward us.

"Yah, yah, yah, that's enough, buddy! It's me she loves the most. Get your own girl, this one's mine." He growled, dragging Hoon aside.

Jake commented with amusement, "Why don't you just marry her then?"

Jay grinned and replied, "Don't worry. I'll never let her go."

Sunoo laughed. "The way those two look at each other, there'll be plenty of kids." His chuckling laugh rang out. And everyone else joined in. I just shook my head in amusement.

Jay whispered, "Well, how about it?" And wiggled his eyebrows. He leaned his forehead against mine. I had to grin and kissed him.

I whispered back, "All in good time, Jay. After all, we have plenty of it."

The End.

Omg I can't believe that I already finished this story! This story was hell of a ride on an emotional rollercoaster. I hope you all like it and I also am really thankful for your support!! Thank you so much <3

Take a look at my other finished stories:
- Chase The Dark Together || Nishimura Riki
- Lost In My Imagination || Yang Jungwon
- Street Lights || Sim Jake
- Eyes Full Of Stars || Park Sunghoon
- Two Of A Kind || Lee Heeseung

Touch Of Death || Park JayWhere stories live. Discover now