19 ¦ Pretty Roses

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After I got bored with the fountain, I strolled over to one of the rose bushes. Hopefully Heeseung would take the info well. I picked off a rose and smelled it. It smelled wonderfully sweet and soothing. I looked at the rose dreamily for a while. 

"You are more beautiful than the rose." Suddenly said a voice which I attributed to Heeseung. I turned in surprise and looked directly into his beautiful brown eyes. "Much more beautiful." He added with a smile. 

Smiling, I thanked him and went with him to the pavilion of the small square. Interested, he asked me, "So Mira, why did you call me here?" 

He casually propped his arm against one of the wooden beams and looked at me, smiling softly. I hesitated for a moment, but then told him everything. After I finished, I cautiously moved my gaze from the pavilion floor to Heeseung. He came up to me and grabbed me roughly by the wrist. What was coming now? 

Energetically he hissed, "So that means Jay is using you to get information?" I quickly shook my head and said, "I'm doing this completely voluntarily and independently of Jay. We both just want to find out what Joshua is all about. There's really nothing wrong with it! I'm also only telling you because... because I-I don't want you to think I like Josh that way. I certainly don't do these things because I like it, but the information is worth it!" 

Suddenly, Heeseung drew in a sharp breath and his eyes turned blood red. Oh oh...

"What are those things you do with him, huh?" He hissed. Wooops, I might have worded that a little wrong. Just as I was about to retort something, Heeseung continued, "If he touched you even once, with his disgusting hands, you'd better tell me now, so I'll at least have a good reason to kill him!" 

I quickly cut him off, "I did absolutely nothing to him, Heeseung, okay? Nothing at all!" 

He came even closer to me and grabbed my other wrist. 

"That's it! I hope you know how I feel about you, Miri. Just the thought of you guys sharing a room makes me want to tear him apart, that miserable bastard. Tell me Mira, don't you feel the same way about me as I do about you?" He looked deep into my eyes and I looked aside, ashamed. 

I gently pushed him away from me and left the pavilion. Now that I had physical distance from him, I could think a little more clearly again. Why don't you try to answer this question sensibly when such a handsome guy is literally pressing himself against you. 

I inhaled and exhaled deeply and then replied, "I-I like you already and you also make my heart beat faster, a-" 

After these words he sped up to me and whispered in my ear, "These words are already enough for me. I can't hold it back anymore." 

His left hand wrapped around my waist and with the other he stroked my hair back. 

"I'll turn your ugly memories into beautiful ones." He breathed into my ear and bit me right where the weird inferior had done it a few hours ago. However, Heeseung's bite didn't hurt a bit. On the contrary, it felt incredibly good. Apparently, vampire bites did release happy hormones. His warm lips felt like a gift from heaven on my neck. I could feel the blood leaving my body. Heeseung seemed to be enjoying it very much, too. For a brief moment, I closed my eyes and enjoyed it. 

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