54 ¦ The Story

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But Cain would not listen to God. Blind with rage, he ran back to his field. And his hatred for Abel grew day by day.

One evening Cain suggested, "Come, Abel, let's go to the field together!" Abel was happy and thought, "Maybe everything will be all right now. Surely Cain would like to get along with me." But no sooner had the two arrived in the field than Cain, full of rage, fell upon Abel and struck him with a heavy stone. Without turning around, Cain ran away. 

Principal Mary was just sitting in his office going through some files of some problem students, however, this was to be one of the most trivial of his problems. He took a sip of his coffee and typed intently on his desk. 

Suddenly, the door to his office was flung open and a man with gelled hair and stormy gray eyes entered the room. A frantic, pale assistant in a light blue costume clattered behind the man, into the room and said in a squeaky voice, "S- sorry sir, I was trying to stop him-" The man turned and disrespectfully slammed the door in the assistant's face mid-sentence. 

"What are you doing!" Principal Mary complained, jumping up from his seat. The man grinned.

"Oh calm down brother, where's the ever-so-familiar composure of Joshua Hong Mary, huh?" 

Principal Mary retorted, "It goes out the window when the all-around rather surly Minghao Xu walks through the door and condescends to my staff. You may be my brother, yet this school is mine and not yours, remember that. You can't disrespect my staff here like a bad-tempered vice principal! So, why are you here anyway?" 

Xu grinned briefly and said, "Your son is doing well. He is truly developing splendidly." Principal Mary smiled slightly and scratched her chin sheepishly. 

"My son seems happy about learning how to use his vampire abilities. I'm pleased." Murmured Mary proudly. Xu sat down on the leather armchair which was in front of the noble desk and made himself comfortable. 

"Yes he is a true prodigy and talented to boot. He resembles me. He shows cunning, guile and determination. Haha he's the complete opposite of you and holds extremely interesting views and viewpoints on top of that, as far as the lesser races are concerned." Grinned Xu slyly. 

Principal Mary impulsively jumped up and hit the desk with all her might, and snapped at his brother, "I WARN YOU. DON'T DRAG THE BOY INTO YOUR SICK MIND GAMES!" He glared angrily at his brother. He had not forgotten the racist views his brother held and why he had just patronized the assistant. To Xu, the assistant was just another worthless human being. Mary just didn't want this to rub off on his son. 

Xu curled his thin lips into a smile and said, "That's not sick, that's the harsh reality brother. We Superiors, unfortunately also known as 'human' vampires, are a disgrace to the actual race of vampires, the Inferiors. Human blood flows in us and we tend to feel emotions. So many weak points. It sucks with us. Actually, we should all be exterminated, but I wouldn't like that at all. I'm not even thinking about dying. Rather, I will start a revolution and change and twist the social norms until we have established an ideal state in which the true races dominate. The Inferiors and the Superiors loyal to Inferior, like me. Will you join me brother and usher in the one true reality with me?" 

Principal Mary clutched his forehead and sighed dejectedly. His brother was far too narrow-minded and convinced of false ideals for him. He countered defensively, "That's your reality, brother. You shouldn't have such thoughts, it's dangerous. I forbid you to say such things at my boarding school and around my son. Damn it, I thought you had changed. But you're still the same racist bastard! And I've given you so many chances. I'm tired, so fucking tired. Bring my son back to me! You're not good company for him. Get off the boarding school property, please!" 

Xu's expression froze into a stone-like poem expression, however, he forced a smile and rose from the chair. To him, Mary still seemed effeminate and would never know the truth. 

"I figured as much, brother. That's why this will be our last conversation." Said Minghao Xu coldly. He turned around and walked out of the office. 

Principal Mary stared at the door and shook his head wistfully. He had lost his brother and possibly forever. They were fraternal twins, but fundamentally different. Joshua Mary always had rather philanthropic traits, while Xu was interested in money and power. 

Suddenly the door was kicked open and in front of Principal Mary stood his son, behind him a handful of Inferiors. Completely jolted out of his thoughts, he stared at this one. He had not expected him. 

"J-Joshua, what are you doing here? I wasn't expecting you." Said Principal Mary, smiling. A/N: Yes THE Joshua who was liing all along with the boys and Mira...

His son looked at him snidely and said, "Don't call me Joshua. That name is an insult. From now on, just Josh." 

Completely horrified, Mary replied, "Joshua, why do you say such things and anyway how do you talk to me? You can't-" 

Josh threw himself at his neck and pushed him by it against the wide bookcase that stood behind his desk. "THAT'S NOT MY NAME ANY MORE, FATHER!" he screamed hatefully. 

He glared angrily at his father and added, "You are far too human and weak for me to be honored to bear your name. I cannot hear it." 

Principal Mary retorted, "That's not weakness! You are my son and I love you. So why shouldn't I call you by the name I gave you?" 

Josh squeezed harder and hissed, "If you're not weak, then fight me. Show me that your name is worth keeping, Father." 

Mary looked his son in the eye. There was no trace of the innocent, inquisitive child he had raised then. He should never have sent him to Xu. It was probably the most fatal mistake of his life. 

He looked sadly at the ground and said, "What has become of you? I will not fight against my own flesh and blood. Especially not because of such a banality."

His son pushed him to the ground and muttered with amusement, "So weak, you can't even stand up to your own son. Minghao was right after all. Weaklings are hurting the new system. Goodbye father." In the next moment, Mary felt an unbearable pain and his eyes went black. 

That day, all the family members had turned against him and thus against morality and order.

 Cain had betrayed Abel.

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