37 ¦ Hot Chocolate

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A strange feeling woke me up. Tired, I rolled under my covers. I blinked sleepily across the room and my eyes fell on Lily, who was snoring peacefully next to me. I wonder if she really hadn't made out with Jungwon. What was wrong with my brain? I couldn't care less at this hour! 

I looked out into the twilight and then checked the time on my phone. It was 05:44. My mouth was literally screaming for something to drink. 

Exhausted, I got up and quietly slipped out the door. There was no light on in the hallway, so I carefully felt my way along the hallway to the stairs. Once I was downstairs, I drank a glass of mineral water in the kitchen. Then my eyes fell on the milk carton in the refrigerator as I put the water back. Should I-? 

I quickly grabbed the milk and a mug and cocoa powder. The rest was pretty self-explaining, right? 

When I was done, I grabbed my hot chocolate and headed back up the stairs. All of a sudden, a cold breeze came towards me. Who the heck opened a window at this hour? 

I got used to the breeze and after a few seconds it was actually quite pleasant. I walked up a small spiral staircase at the end of the hallway, eager to see what awaited me. 

I arrived at an open door and spotted a large terrace, which stretched across the entire roof of the house. Soooo beautiful! 

Amused, I walked onto it and looked at it from all sides. Glass railings, flower pots for decoration, a pool, Jay, a bench- wait what? 

My eyes fell on Jay, who was splashing around in the pool with his legs. Cautiously I approached him. Three more steps, two more steps-

"You don't actually think you can sneak up on me, do you Mira?" Asked Jay. He turned around and stared apathetically at me from top to bottom. 

I grinned sheepishly and stammered, "Well atleast I can try..." 

He replied, "Anyways.... well now that you're here, you can sit down too, Mira!"

I planted myself next to him and let my legs plop into the water as well. I took a sip of my cocoa and was suddenly stared at insistently by Jay. I blinked a few times in irritation until I understood. 

I asked cautiously, "Do you want a sip too, Jay?" 

He nodded briefly, then murmured, "If you don't mind, hot chocolate is great..." 

Smiling, I handed him the cup and he promptly emptied it in one go. Of course, what else? 

"WHAT THE-? Yo, turtle, I let you have one sip and not the whole cup!" I complained. He grinned and set the cup down. 

"Sorry! Cocoa is just too great." He purred with a grin. I lightly punched his arm as he began, "Well.... There's never been a Joshua Xu in any of the Saas Fees." 

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