31 ¦ Unexpected Date

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We rode the small wooden boat through the small picturesque landscape and Riki rowed all the time. After a while I asked, "Do you want me to take an oar from you? I feel so idle just sitting here silently letting you row." 

Smiling, Ni-ki replied, "This is a date. I'm not going to make my girl slave away, who am I? Besides, just having you sit there and look pretty for me is enough."

I said laughing, "I don't know whether to find that attitude sexist, or cute. But I'm just going to go with the second one. Still, I want to row with you!" I quickly grabbed an oar and helped out. 

Ni-ki said with a grin, "Well, if you always did what you were told, you wouldn't be Miri. Come on let's row together, but if it gets too tiring for you I'll take over again!" 

We had a lot of fun and often narrowly escaped the shore, because the two of us rowed quite uncoordinated. The small river soon flowed into a large one. It had crystal clear water in it, through which one could see all the way to the bottom. But it was not very deep either. The river was surrounded by a forest and larger rocks. 

"Wow, incredible. I've never seen such a beautiful place. Totally beautiful."

 Ni-ki replied enthusiastically, "Isn't it?" 

There was silence for a moment and I had my oar across my lap. I became so inattentive that it suddenly slipped down and threatened to fall into the river, I grabbed the oar and leaned too far over the boat. 

"CAREFUL, MIRA!" shouted Ni-ki, grabbing my waist with both arms, which unfortunately still didn't help. We both fell into the river and were soaked from head to toe. Such competence on our part... 

Laughing, I surfaced and shouted, "I've got the oar!" 

Riki also surfaced and laughingly said, "Wow, at least that. That's when falling into the water really paid off. You're a danger to your fellow man as usual, little one!" 

He held the boat with one arm, took the oar from my hand with the other, and grabbed it back there. He pushed the boat to shore and I went after him. When I looked down at myself, I immediately rushed back into the water. I was wearing an all-white, long-sleeved shirt, which now gave perfect visibility to my blue bra. 

Ni-ki looked at me questioningly and said, "What's wrong? Come out of there, you're going to catch a cold, sweetie!" 

Grinning wryly, I replied, "Uhhh.... nah. I-I... my shirt..." Wow, I was so gifted with words! 

It took Ni-ki a few seconds before he realized what my problem was. He grinned seductively, came up to me and purred, "Hehehe.... come out of the water, Mira" 

Automatically I moved further into the river and threatened, "Don't come any closer, Riki!" 

Laughing, he got further and further into the water and said, "Come on, little one" 

I stumbled further back, turned around and swam over to the far bank. Riki was now a few feet away from me and I was still in the cold water. Squatting in a river like this in the spring was not really among my favorite activities. 

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