14 ¦ If I Can't

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When I woke up the next morning, I got ready and everything and when I went to leave my room, there was my doorknob emblazoned with a note on it.

Do a good job, Zaila! I'm counting on you and your skills. 

Shaking my head, I laughed out loud. This jerk seriously called me by my middle name. But at least he had refitted my door handle. Nice of him that I could leave my room now. 

Our grade stood in front of the rusty school gate and waited for the teachers to finally let us into the school busses . I was wearing baggy jeans as usual and a red turtleneck. 

The teachers went through the attendance list like it was the coolest thing in the world and asked everyone at least three times if they had all the luggage they needed. The third time, I would have loved to punch that weird underclassman teacher in the face. I mean he had all the time his stupid plastic clipboard in front of him and scribbled while he asked us around on it. Did he solve some crossword puzzle of the day instead of taking notes, or what? 

When they had finally counted everyone through and Mr. Crossword had detached himself from his board, we finally got on the busses. I spotted Heeseung, Jungwon, and Joshua, each having already grabbed a seat for two. They all looked at me and smiled along the lines of, 'Why don't you sit next to me.' Why were they doing this to me? I 'm sorry boys. 

I started grinning broadly and sat down next to Joshua. He raised an eyebrow and grinned as well. 

"I'm sorry I overreacted like that the other day, Josh. I was in a bad mood and now I'm sure you were talking to yourself on the balcony. Can you forgive me?" With every single word I had to be careful not to vomit loose at any moment. 

He smiled at me and said, "Well, there you go. Sure I forgive you, but you'll have to be my pillow for the whole ride to do it." I nodded with a smile. This charade could still be something. 

When Jay, with the rest of our guys, shuffled down the hall and saw me next to Joshua, he winked at me with a grin. I just rolled my eyes. You could clearly tell Jay was finding the whole thing quite entertaining. 

Suddenly, prom-dress-prank-guy-Jimin rushed into our bus and hid on the back row. Shortly after, Ms. Chwe followed suit and started yelling. 


Embarrassed silence spread through the bus. Poor Jimin, you could only feel sorry for the boy. Mrs. Chwe energetically strutted down the aisle to the back, and when she spotted him she yelled, "Ahhh! Gotcha!" The next moment, Jimin held a cell phone in front of her face and said, "There, that's my mother on it. She'll confirm it with them by phone." She raised an eyebrow skeptically and picked up the phone. "Yeah? Okay. Oh, that's right. But next time, they'll have to confirm it in writing, please. Right. Have a nice day Mrs. Park!" 

Then she hung up and said to Jimin: "Next time, please inform your mother in time! You really are not just scholastically incompetent personified, my goodness!" She sighed in annoyance and disappeared from the bus again. 

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