57 ¦ Is it over?

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Josh mercilessly directed a bolt of lightning through the ice and yelled, "WATER LEADS ELECTRICITY, YOU BASTARD!" 

Hoon's hands got it full blast and he doubled over in pain. The ice was just puddles of water on the battlefield and Sunghoon could be heard screaming in pain. His hands were completely sore and shaking. 

I quickly ran to him and helped him up. The only thing I could do now was to help the injured. I took Hoon to the edge of the field and watched Jay out of the corner of my eye. 

His eyes were glowing red like never before. His whole body ignited and Josh laughed excitedly. 

"Fire? Finally, an interesting opponent. Come on over here!" 

"I'd love to. You shall burn!" Hissed Jay fearfully. 

Jay energetically pushed himself off the ground and fired fireballs at Josh from an elevated position. Josh dodged and directed two lightning bolts, which split into many smaller ones, at Jay. 

Jay dodged, but his left shoulder was slightly grazed, causing a small burn and tearing his jacket. However, he didn't care one bit. Even more aggressively Jay sped towards Josh and pushed him further and further to the roof railing. 

Josh's attacks became more and more uncoordinated and unsteady. He was weakening. 

A grin stretched across my face. Jay would get him. 

There were only an undercount of Inferiors left on the battlefield, which the rest were just taking out. 

Suddenly, Hee-jin joined me and touched Hoon's hand. His wounds suddenly disappeared and appeared on Hee-jin's hand. She did the same to Sunoo. 

Sunoo straightened up again and nodded to her, "Thanks. I'm fine now." 

"What a special abbility." Slipped out. She smiled at me and nodded her thanks. That was the first time she smiled at me honestly. I returned the smile. All of a sudden, our arguments we always had seemed ridiculous. 

"Ready to die?" is what I heard Jay call out. I looked over at the two of them and watched as Jay pushed Josh up to the railing. Both had an attack ready. 

In Jay's hands were masses of fire and in Josh's hand exactly one bolt of lightning. Everyone stared, transfixed, at what was happening. 

"You have taken from me that which I cared for most. Feel what it's like to lose someone important, Park Jay!" 

In the next moment, Josh's blood-red eyes locked on me. Jay noticed his gaze and directed the flames of fire at him. Josh flew off the school roof burning like a Phoenix. Only he would never rise again. 

He fired the lightning bolt at me with his last ounce of strength, though. Oh, no! That didn't really happen... 

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