33 ¦ TimeOut

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What a busy month. Really... May was the total training month, and it was already getting warmer outside. The monotonous gray sky, which had always belonged to this area, was no longer to be seen.

And I was just sitting in my room and studying. I was constantly listening to a phonky-trap playlist from Eren, which he had recommended to me for studying. And Sara had specially copied all her study notes for me. Where would I be without this girl?

She was fortunately good at economics and pretty much every other subject. I just sat at my wooden desk in my room and briefly went over the plans for the next few weeks. I had to rehearse for the talent competition, pick out an outfit, practice with Hoon, and study for my French exam.

Angrily, I shouted, "MERDE!" Suddenly, the door opened and Sunoo was standing in the doorway.

"Why are you cursing in French?" He asked curiously.

I leaned my head over the back of the chair and looked at him. "I have to study for French next week, hence the French exam."

Grinning, Sunoo replied, "Oh well, happy studying then! But you should really take a break! You've been squatting in this room with the lights dimmed for 4 hours. Hoon asked if you guys wanted to do a little training session?"

My face lit up at the thought of running away from my study stuff and I turned around with my desk chair. I walked up to Sunoo, patriotically placed my hands on both of his shoulders, and theatrically purred, "This is the redemption I've been waiting for all along, my friend!"

Grinning, he patted my head a few times and replied, "Well, I'll go tell Hoon. Throw on your gym clothes. He said you guys are boxing today for a change." With that, he left my room. Boxing? That sounded interesting. I got dressed up and walked down the hall.

I was approached by Ni-ki who asked, "Finished studying yet, little one?"

I replied, "No, I'm just going to take a quick break and work out with Hoon for a bit." Just as I was about to walk past him, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him.

He stroked my cheek with his thumb and whispered, "I don't like you wearing that short top in front of Hoon. He's just casually ogling you all the time, sweetie."

I rolled my eyes and replied, "I work out. You think I want to-"

"Put on something longer!" He interrupted me. I tried to free myself from his grip, but I couldn't.

He said, "If you don't, I'll change you myself whether you like it or not, my dear."

Shocked, I stared at him and said, "Okay, okay. Damn it, Riki!" Let him put on some long clothes of his own!

Sighing, I went back to my study crypt and put on a long dark top. I then walked back out into the hallway and Ni-ki nodded at me appreciatively, as if I had done a father proud. I just rolled my eyes.

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