16 ¦ Inferiors "Friendly" Visit

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I ran through the corridors until I finally saw what was going on in a wider corridor. Sara was being pushed roughly against one of the stone walls by a figure and was a good distance from the floor with her feet. 

Just the sight of this stranger holding her by the neck with his hand was painful. This was too much. I ran up to the big guy in the denim jacket and kicked him in the pit of his stomach with all my might. 

"You fucking asshole!" I shouted, furious. 

Sara sank to the floor, coughing and gasping, and scrambled in my direction, her face contorted in pain. I quickly helped her up and stood protectively in front of her. She was quite a bit smaller than me and also very delicately built. How dare he touch such a weak girl? 

"HOW DARE YOU ATTACK HER?" I screamed at the top of my lungs. The guy turned to me and two red eyes sparkled at me. 

"Oh, oh..." I muttered in shock. Shit. Why here? Why now? I hadn't been training long enough for this.

The guy reared back and roared beastly, "HOW DARE A SIMPLE GIRL LIKE YOU TRY TO PUNCH ME, A VAMPIRE, HUH?" 

After this sentence, he roared through the stone hallway in a deafeningly shrill tone. Sara and I covered our ears briefly in pain. 

I backed away a few steps with Sara and whispered to her, "Just run! There's no other way out. If you don't want us both to die, you better get out of here now!" 

She replied, "No I can-." 

I cut her off. "Sara damn it! Get the hell out of here!" 

She struggled with herself for a moment, but then disappeared behind me into the maze. All she could whisper anymore was, "I love you. You're the best friend I've ever had." I smiled weakly and voluntarily stayed behind. To save Sara from this bloodsucker, I would even let myself die. 

"Oh, after I eat you up, I'll catch up with that little girl real quick. So don't worry, you'll see each other again in the realm of the dead in a minute." Growled the guy. I clenched my hands into fists and suppressed the fear inside me. There was no time left for fear now. I had made up my mind. 

Slowly, I turned my gaze back to the vampire in front of me and asked, "Are you an Inferior, or a Superior?" 

In the next moment, he sped toward me and reached for my neck. I dodged him, as I had learned to do, but was still caught by him in the next moment. I had known that I would fail at my current level of experience. I hoped that Sara had somehow made it out of here, or rather would. 

He pressed me against the stone wall, as Sara had done before, and looked me over closely. He hissed, "There is no such thing as Inferiors and Superiors, little girl! There is only one true race of vampires and that is us, the cold creatures of the night. We do not feel and are cold-blooded, not as effeminate as the human 'vampires'. Vampires with feelings and warm blood in them. That's so ridiculous. They're just enhanced humans. Just pathetic." So he was an inferior...

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