9 ¦ New Enemies Unlocked

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Surprised, he loosened his grip and stared at me, dumbfounded. I sighed and yelped at him. 

"Jay, don't think anything wrong now! You're just the one who likes me the least out of all of you. And that's why I figured it shouldn't be a problem with you just helping me with the dress, if you know what I mean. After all, you wouldn't touch me with a pinch of your hand." I had phrased it well, he would certainly not have the wrong impression of me now. He slowly regained his composure and finally let go of me. 

He turned his back on me and muttered, "You naive little girl didn't understand a thing..."

 "EXCUSE ME...?" i pinched angry. Immediately he pushed me against the wall again, covering my mouth. 

"Don't be so loud! Or do you want everyone coming up here again wondering what's going on?" he hissed. I shook my head. Not this time, for once. So slowly Jay was really scary. 

He continued seriously, "So, it's kind of sunk in with you that we're vampires, right?" I nodded again. "And you really come into my room in the middle of the night on the grounds that I could help you undress?" He asked, amused. 

Yes, so when you looked at it from that side, again it sounded ridiculous. But I wasn't going to sleep in that rib-clamping thing! 

He removed his hand from my mouth and added, "We are not ordinary people, Mira. We perceive the world with very different senses than you do. It's true that I don't find you particularly attractive, but it's really damn naive of you to think that I wouldn't hurt you because of that! Such a small, fragile doll like you couldn't even defend herself properly if one of us wanted to hurt her."

At that moment he came up to me and turned me around roughly. He opened my dress and slowly ran his cold hand over my back. 

"We are still hunters, just slightly tamer animals, please don't forget that! I, in your place, would definitely be more careful in the future!" he whispers scaryly. 

After these words he pushed me rudely out of his room and locked the door. I was now standing in the cold, dark hallway. After going back to my room, I changed my clothes and finally threw myself into my comfortable bed. It felt like Jay's cool hand was still roaming over my back. He had become physical after all. A tingling sensation ran through my body. So I had been wrong about him. But in the end, all that mattered was that I was out of this dress. Besides, I was sure that Jay was exaggerating because Jungwon had affirmed on the rooftop that they were different from the Inferiors because of feelings. Therefore, I was dead certain that none of the boys would ever hurt me. With these thoughts I slowly drifted into dreamland. 

The next morning, I hurried back down the stairs to have breakfast with the others. I couldn't wait to grill them all about this vampire stuff. No mercy! I opened the door to the dining room and sat down with them at the long marble table. 

"What were your school administrators thinking, letting normal people go to this boarding school?" I began immediately. 

Everyone looked at me perplexed and Jay commented, "Getting right to the point I guess." 

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