46 ¦ Stalking

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A week later, I strolled determinedly through the corridors of the school. It was the first, big break and immediately I had two free periods. I would tell Ni-ki now. I would just go to his classroom and ask him to come outside.

Shivering, I strolled down the hall to one of the many classrooms. There Ni-ki and his class buddies were gathered. Just as I was heading for the room, Jay came around the corner. Damnit

I quickly stopped and squeezed into a corner. Jay entered the room and handed Ni-ki something. Just as Jay was about to go out again, Ni-ki was heard talking loudly, "Yeah, right. Now I'm finally with her. Omo... she is so sweet. It's unbelievable that she chose me. But well, who can resist me? I'm just great. That's intense, isn't it Jay?" 

Ni-ki jumped off the table he had been sitting on and was about to leave the room. I rolled my eyes with a grin. That jerk. Guilt was pounding in my chest. But there was nothing to be done for his feelings. 

I kept squinting at the room and saw Jay slam the door open again and grab Ni-ki by his collar. Uh-oh. What was coming now? 

Jay hissed, "You're so emotionally limited! You don't even notice when your girlfriend is feeling bad. For a week now, she's been feeling like shit, and it's all because she didn't have the guts to reject you, you idiot!" 

Jay thundered Ni-ki against the wall, who then hurried towards him and shouted: "What are you saying? You're lying! Tell me, are you jealous?!" 

He knocked Jay to the ground. The latter replied, "Pfff why would I be?! I'm just not as limited as you and I see it when Mira is miserable. I can't believe how stupid you are!" 

The boys went at each other again. Why the hell was Jay arguing with Ni-ki like that? I told him not to interfere. 

Panicking, I ran between the two of them and took a solid blow from Ni-ki's fist. Right in the face. Damn! That hurt. 

All the students' eyes were on the three of us. Awkward... They both paused, and Ni-ki muttered distraughtly, "Th-that wasn't intentional, M-Mira." I smiled slightly and turned my head in Ni-ki's direction. 

"I guess I more than deserve that. I need to talk to you, Ni-ki." His expression softened and he nodded. 

I turned to Jay and the rest and urged them, "Could you please give us a few minutes. That would be really super sweet." Murmuring and nodding, the people left the classroom and I was now alone with Ni-ki. With my heart pounding hard, I turned to him and wanted to say something, but he beat me to it. 

"You do like Jay after all, just as I suspected. It's not like I'm stupid. I knew it from the moment I saw you holding hands at the talent show. I suspected something like this before, but that's when it really came true. When you said yes to me the other day and weren't happy afterwards, it was crystal clear to me. And Jay, that bastard. I'd love to smash his annoying poker face! But he's still my buddy. Aishhh... seriously. That does hurt, I can't deny it, but at the end of the day, no one can help their feelings. I remember making fun of Heeseung back then, I'm an ass. That's not funny at all. Well and just then, there... there I was just trying to provoke Jay because he stole my girl. That pabo." I stared at Ni-ki with wide eyes. I had underestimated him and how...

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