56¦ Game Over, Jack Frost

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Behind Principal Xu, I could make out Josh and Mrs. Millers, as well as a few familiar faces of students. The ones behind Xu seemed to be the infiltrated Inferiors and the ones with our boys were normal Superiors who were simply defending the boarding school. I just stood there and listened to the conversation, of the brothers. 

Mary said, "A game you should never have played." 

Xu started laughing and declared, "You don't know anything about anything, do you Joshua?" The latter looked at him questioningly. Xu continued, "Some time ago, I already started to work out my plan and eliminate certain threats. Here and there, the one Inferior hunting family and also some Superior families I had them eliminated, no offense Mr. Yang. You look just like your father Heung-min, I knew him very well back then. However, he thought very differently about some things and our opinions were far apart when it came to people, Inferiors and Superiors. He was an influential and strong man. This danger had to be eliminated. I have been planning all this for a long time and could have used you as a support, brother. But you remained a blood traitor! You are not a vampire! I should have killed you immediately instead of letting you rot in the cell." 

Jungwon sped up to Josh and grabbed him by the collar. "IS THIS TRUE, DID YOU KILL MY FAMILY?!

Josh started to grin and laughed. "It was quite easy to shoot a few flaming arrows at a house. Your family was just too gullible. You should always be prepared for enemies in this world." 

After these words, Josh rammed a knife into Jungwon's stomach and kicked him away. Words were of no use now as Ni-ki and Jake immediately pounced on Josh and attacked him.

Xu shouted, "Inferiors, attack!" 

All of a sudden a huge mess had broken out, but the first thing Jay did was pull Sunoo out of the field  and get him to safety. I helped him do that. 

Jay leaned him against a wall and asked, "Are you okay?" Sunoo nodded and waved his hand at him, along the lines of 'Yes, yes now go fight! Jay sighed, cursing, but then proceeded to the battlefield. 

Jungwon's cut had already healed and he took out a few Inferiors. The other guys were busy with a few more Inferiors, while Lily had bravely taken on Mrs. Millers. Mary, meanwhile, had taken on Xu and pushed him through the fighting mass with a skillful punch. 

Enraged, Mary watched as Xu crashed into the metal grating of the roof railing. Xu retorted, coughing, "You haven't exactly lost your touch down there either, brother. Well I haven't exactly done nothing in that time either. Time for the decisive battle between us. I have always been able to make the best use of our family's vampire ability anyway. Time to say goodbye, Joshua!" 

All fighting stopped, as well as all eyes were on the two brothers. Xu took a deep breath and raised his left hand to the sky. The idyllic sunset was covered by pitch-black storm clouds and an ominous rumbling sounded. In addition it began to pour like from buckets. Doomsday feeling... 

What was going on now? We all took a safe distance from Principal Xu, whose eyes began to glow red. His body began to tremble and he fixed his gaze tensely on the dark sky. A bolt of lightning shot out of the cloud cover above him directly toward his hand. 

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