49 ¦ Romeo & Juliet

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"Siblings?!" Jake spat his drink on the floor. 

Ni-ki muttered with a disgusted look on his face, "Then why did you guys make out? Oh my god-" 

Jungwon gave him a dope slap on the back of the head and snapped at him, "How many more times? We didn't have anything going on with each other! We just get along." He turned to Lily and wrapped her in his arms. 

"I didn't know it was you. I didn't recognize you until just now. Your hair is curlier than it used to be." 

She clung to him and said, "There's not much left of the eleven-year-old boy either, except for the eyes and the smile. You dyed your hair, too. So you went to another village then, too. And the fire was a-assassination? Who? Why? I-I don't understand right now. Who would-" 

She started sobbing and Jungwon went with her somewhere else. I would love to comfort her right now, but I had to take care of Joshua. Besides, only her brother could help her now. I would never have thought that they were related. Now that was some information. 

Jay nudged me and pointed to a brown jacket, which was Joshua's. Quickly Jay pulled me along behind the booth where our people were standing so we could get away unnoticed. 

As I ran after him, I hit my head on a small, metal tin lamp that dangled off the edge of the roof. Ouch. Typical of my luck. Jay peeked over his shoulder for a moment and grinned at me. I guess he thought it was really funny. 

We followed Joshua, who in the meantime had arrived at the riverbank. The festival was huge and according to the guy at the information point it was the biggest event in this small village. There were even extra people from the neighboring villages coming to participate. 

We were now far enough away from the others. Joshua entered a small tent in which a bar was built. We didn't follow him because that would have been too conspicuous and stayed outside. 

"What is he planning in there? Why is he just running back and forth? Is he secretly hunting or something?" Jay asked annoyed and sat down on half a tree trunk. There were these halved seats lying around everywhere. I kind of liked them. I planted myself next to him and threw my hair back. I was totally warm from all the walking.

"Who knows. If we don't follow him we'll never figure it out." 

All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned in sync with Jay, who also had a hand resting on his shoulder, and we stared questioningly at said person. Willy Wonka himself. But the one from the 1971 version. What had crossed that such a bird of paradise came out?

The man in the motley suit yelled into the microphone, "Our Juliet and Romeo this year are meant to be!" Loud cheers and shrieks could be heard.

 Another perceived 10,000 people sat behind us on the tree trunks around a wide stage. What was going on now?

We were each handed a paper page. I looked desperately at Jay, who, shaking his head, turned to the Willy Wonka knockoff and said, "We can't do this. I mean she doesn't even know the story and we-" 

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