11 ¦ New Roomie

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After these words, Sunghoon, grinning, popped one of the strawberry lollipops into his mouth and began. 

"Yes, we know that all too well." I couldn't help but grin. Were we getting a new roommate? And such a handsome one at that. He had really beautiful eyes and an almost perfect face. He was also well dressed. 

After Hoon had explained to him that we were also going to boarding school and we had left the store again, he joined us. So back we took the limousine. I got along much better with that, unlike the previous way out to the village. 

When we got back, Principal Xu was standing in the entrance hall of our dorm. My first thought was that someone of us must have fucked up something. I knew it had to come to this at some point. Why else would the principal pay us a visit? 

When he caught sight of the three of us, he smiled and approached us with open arms, "Josh! Let me look at you, my boy! Tall and handsome you've grown, just like your father." 

Okay, everyone was wrong once in a while. Of course, that explained the delayed transfer to boarding school and Xu's visit. A relative of the big shot here, then. I once guessed that Principal Xu was his uncle. 

"This is Joshua, my nephew. He will be staying here with you from now on. Don't be too rough with him though, he's not as strong as you guys." Xu gave the boys a warning look. So a non-vampire? Likeable, that boy! 

We nodded and Josh was shown everything in the dorm. After the little tour was finished, he was assigned a room. Principal Xu had already left for, and I quote, 'another important appointment'. 

"Thank you for your kind welcome. Which room do I have?" Joshua asked curiously. 

"Room number 0!" replied Jake. 

I rolled my eyes and bitched, "If that was supposed to be funny right now Jake, it's not! Act a little more mature and just tell him his room number!" Jake raised both eyebrows indignantly and was about to say something when Jungwon beat him to it. 

"Um Miri..... at the end of the hallway, there really is a room number 0." Jungwon looked at me with amusement. Okay, I had fucked up. I immediately blushed in embarrassment and gave Jake an apologetic look. 

"Stupid bitch..." muttered Jay, annoyed. 

What full-on interior designer had come up with this shit? A room with the number 0, WTF! How would anyone even know something like that? 

We escorted Joshua upstairs and walked past my room, down the rest of the hallway. I thought back here was just another dingy cleaning room or something. "Room number 0." I mumbled annoyed. 

Jake laughed softly and muttered, "Sucks to be ignorant, huh?" I just looked at him unnerved, without putting anything against it, because he was kind of right. 

We stopped in front of the room door with the faded 0 on it and opened it. It was a room like ours, except that there was another door in the wall, just like mine. The bathroom? 

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