3 ¦ Fighting Back

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"You'll regret that bitterly, you bitch!" 

Highly amused, I replied, "Well, sure!" 

He was lying on the floor, clutching his stomach. I turned to the boy whom he had molested and said, "Come sit with us!" And pointed in Sara's direction.

At that moment, a teacher entered the classroom, breaking the tense atmosphere. Quickly the guy sat down behind Sara and took off his wet jacket. I also quickly moved back to my seat and sat down. 

Sara turned to the boy and whispered softly, "I'm Sara and what's your name?" He looked at her and replied slightly nervously, "I'm Eren McAllison." He smiled kindly at her. I raised an eyebrow and eyed them both intently. I felt a certain sizzle that way. The way they looked at each other, it really wasn't hard to pick up. Automatically I began to grin. Well, if there would not be something again. I ship it.

"So my dear friends of the night, I know it's a new school year, but this time I advise you not to spare enthusiasm in your studies! I am Mrs. Chwe, your new class teacher. Also, I would like to welcome the new members of our school! Please come forward and introduce yourselves!" Said Mrs. Chwe, looking at us with a smile. 'Why don't you stand there alone in front, honestly' was my only thought. No seriously, every teacher knew that students hated to stand in the front. That was no secret. 

Sara and I slowly got up and walked to the front together. I looked at her and knew right away that I should start. "Hello, I'm Mira Kim and I'm 17 years old. Before I was at a boarding school for girls in Switzerland, but it closed down. And now I'm here, hoping for some friendly interaction in this school!" 

At this, I looked provocatively at Blondie. The teacher nodded and said, "Very nice, but if the form here is right, that just wasn't your full name, was it?" I stumbled and looked at her forebodingly. Was she serious? No, NO! This woman wasn't doing that to me now, was she? I had already come forward, why embarrass me even more? 

She continued, "Zaila is your middle name, right?" Bitch. I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. Was she fucking serious! Blondie started laughing softly. What relevance did announcing my middle name have now? Right! None at all!

Annoyed, I said, "Yeah, but I prefer Mira..." 

Blondie exclaimed in a disguised voice, "Why, well I think Zaila is beautiful! So elegant. Like a damsel of the castle." He twisted his face in amusement. Oh, fuck you boy

I gave him an annoyed look. Ms. Chwe just said, "We respect her statement and call her Mira, okay Jisung? Save your bullshit for the breaks!" Jisung a.k.a. Blondie nodded hypocritically and gave me a nasty grin. I had lost this round, unfortunately. 

Now Sara continued, "I-i-I'm Sara Van Clark and I'm 16 years old. My parents moved here for business reasons, which is why I go to this school. But I live in the village and not in the dorms."

After she finished, a black-haired boy called out, "Why are you only 16?" She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear uncertainly and stammered, "I skipped a grade." Jisung added, "Nerd..." 

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