41 ¦ Cupid Itself

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Tiredly, I trudged down the wooden stairs and I couldn't believe my eyes. The bouquet of roses, which Jay had procured the other day in the village in Antoine's name, was in the hands of the landlady Isabelle. In front of her at the table squatted an Antoine in his element. So much memorization in the morning. I was surprised at myself. He was spouting one philosophical saying after another. That's right, Blondie had already hinted at something like that on the way there. So Antoine really liked Isabelle? Hehehe... should I demonstrate my Cupid skills to him?

"...and the weather is so nice outside again." Isabelle finished her sentence. Antoine nodded at her in agreement, as if his life depended on it. 

Grinning, I began, "Then why don't you go outside? It's such beautiful weather. Besides, we still need... uhh... Canned bread!" Okayy... it was early in the morning and my brain wasn't up to using its full capacity yet. 

"C-can bread?" Isabelle asked, visibly confused. 

Sighing, I said, "Yeah, I won't survive the bus ride without canned bread! So you might as well bring me some canned bread on your walk to the village! That way, everyone gets something out of it." 

Antoine still looked at me distraught, but muttered, "Ah, oui. Wh-why not? Canned bread it is... We're leaving in a few hours anyway. You go wake up the boys from your house, please! Everyone else is already awake. As long as we're on the road, you can start packing everything up, okay?" I nodded. So Isabelle and Antoine disappeared. I was so talented...

In a good mood, I pulled open the glass balcony doors of our house and turned up the stereo full blast. Applause from Lady Gaga blared from the radio. The warm June air wafted throughout the living room and I pranced over to the kitchen. Before I would wake the others, I would have some cocoa first. 

Strangely, only Lily woke up to the music and wandered sleepily down the hall to the bathroom. The others didn't show their faces even once. When I finished my drink, I stretched, vigorously rubbed my hands and dashed upstairs. 

I yanked open the boys bedroom door and yelled, "GET UP, VAMPIRES!" Heeseung rolled in his bed grumbling and threw a pillow in my face. 

"Shut up, you brat! Have you checked what time it is?" muttered Hoon. First Babe and now Brat?! Was he still drunk? 

Angrily, I walked over to Hoon and pawed at his cheek, "Are you still drunk?" He groaned in annoyance and turned away from me. Next to him in his bed, laid yesterday's apple, including the pen in it. Ew... Hadn't Levi taken it from him? 

Angrily, I tore open all the windows so they could feel the refreshing wind. "Antoine told me to wake you up so we can start packing." I explained. 

Ni-ki grumbled, "Antoine is not our house leader. That noble homo prince belongs to house #2, he doesn't get to tell us anything!" 

I rolled my eyes and at least tried to pull Joshua out of his bed. He slid down to the floor and continued to sleep there. What the-

 I turned to Sunoo. He looked half awake, half asleep. Too cute to wake him up. Damn you Kim Sunoo for being so cute!

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