55 ¦ Endgame

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Stunned, we listened to Principal Mary's story.

 How could his own son do such a thing to his father? I clenched my fists. When I thought about Josh now, I just wanted to throw up. Jay seemed to feel the same way. 

Mary smiled at us and added in conclusion, "Maybe if I had really used force to restrain him back then, it would never have come to this. But I was weak, weak with love for a son who at that time, as I remembered him, no longer existed. It is my fault that it has come so far. Can you forgive me?" 

Jay said, upset, "Bullshit! It's not your fault. You weren't weak either. No one can ask someone to compete against their own son. That's sick!" Furious, Jay grabbed the anchors of the chains in the wall and melted them. Respect, that was one fierce vampire ability. What I wouldn't give for powers like that. 

Principal Mary sank powerlessly to the floor and Jay asked me, "Would you give blood again?" 

I knew something like this was coming. "It's for a good cause." I said and bent over Mary. He looked at me apologetically and bit my arm. His eyes lit up red and his skin wasn't as pale now as it had been before. Like charging a cell phone LMAO. 

When he was done, there was no trace of the weak Joshua Hong Mary. All that indicated his long confinement was his beard. He straightened up and stretched. 

Crack. Crack. Crack. I was overcome with goose bumps. I hated those sounds. 

Mary thanked us, "I thank you for your help, Mr. Park, and you too, of course. We have to be smart now. First we have to get out of here!" He smiled confidently and we left his tiny cell. 

We searched for hours for the exit of the underground labyrinth. After some time, Jay said: "Mira... Your blood smell covers everything. I can't detect any other smells. If this keeps up, we'll never get out of here!" 

Suddenly, Mary held Jay back by his jacket and pointed above him to the ceiling of the hallway. "A-a door..." muttered Mary. 

Jay said annoyed, "Have we been like handicapped people all this time looking for normal doors with stairs and the only thing we should have been doing was stare at the ceiling?" 

I gave a short laugh and replied, "Life is hard." 

A moment later, Mary lifted Jay onto his shoulders so that he could approach the trap door. He pushed open the metal door and squeezed through it. Mary then lifted me up as well, so that we were in a stone room. Wow. The sight reminded me of a tomb. I

n the next moment, Principal Mary jumped from wall to wall and also reached the trapdoor. Not bad old man. He was more athletic than me, although he was easily 20 years older than.... oh well vampire age. No idea how old he really was, however physically he was in good shape. 

He looked around and muttered, "Impressive that there's such an underground system under my boarding school. It's just that not everything is as it seems most of the time." We nodded. 

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