47 ¦ Stalking pt.2

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It wasn't really what I thought, was it? Hot number with an old scarecrow like that? No way! That was a bit too weird even for Joshua. He was way too good looking for that. I mean, what!?

I scratched the back of my head thoughtfully. Jay turned to me with a grin and said, "Well, I hope that's not what my brain is contemplating. Oh, eww! That would be really freaky. Hahahaha... fuck."

I punched him lightly in the arm and laughed, "Man, stop that! You're making me laugh." We calmed down again and I saw a small café across the street.

"Let's go to that café!" we said more than in sync. We grinned at each other and he added, "You're starting to think like me. You seem to be capable of learning, Zaila"

He smiled at me and I replied, also smiling, "No I've always been smart, turtle."

Grinning, he tugged lightly on a strand of my hair and said, "Was that a hidden compliment you just gave me, Mira? I already knew I was smart, but thanks for reminding me." He winked and walked forward to the café.

I stopped, befuddled, and shook my head at first. This guy was cute in his own special way. A/N: and caring...

I quickly ran after him and he turned his head towards me. He was still grinning, which also made me smile. We entered the small café and sat down at a place from which we could easily keep an eye on the door of the house opposite.

The café had cream-colored walls, which perfectly matched the old-fashioned style furniture. Above our table dangled a bright pink lamp and soft music sounded from the speakers. It was really a relaxed atmosphere. Well, except for a group of boys who just entered the café and were quite restless. I ordered a cappuccino and Jay a Sprite.

We had been sitting here for two whole hours now, staring out the window. "What's taking him so long? So if they don't do it I don't know what else to do." Laughed Jay now desperately. I choked on my third cup of cappuccino and reached for a napkin.

"Stop it! Imagining that disturbs me to no end!" Laughing, he raised his hands placatingly and took another sip of his now second Sprite.

A little further away sat the group of three teenagers, who were estimated to be a little younger than us. They were louder than average and were fooling around all the time. Just annoying... All of a sudden, one of the guys got up to return his dishes. One of his 'buddies' made him trip and his cup flew just past my head and shattered on the thick window pane I was sitting next to.

Motionless, I sat in my seat like an ice sculpture. That was close. Too close. Just as I was about to tell off the guy who had tripped the other guy, Jay stood in front of him and grabbed him by the collar.

"You're really lucky you didn't hit her, you dickhead! I don't know what would have happened to you otherwise." He led him on. I regained my composure and turned my head in Jay's direction, who was still holding the estimated 14-year-old by the collar. I quickly stood up and pulled Jay away from the guy.

"Oh, it's okay. No harm done, Jay. And as for you, learn how to behave in cafes. You've been unbearable for hours. And I don't just mean your volume. Seriously, no one here cares if your math teacher is a virgin or not. Damn it!" The topic of conversation had gone on for the whole 20 minutes. Loudly...

The boys grumblingly excused themselves and left the café. Shaking my head, I looked after them and out of the corner of my eye saw a dark blue jacket, with a black hood. I quickly slapped a twenty on the table and called out to the waitress to keep the change. I grabbed Jay's hand and pulled him behind me. His puzzled face was glorious.

"There's Josh! He's already out of the house." I explained. Jay now picked up his pace as well and we followed Joshua to the village information point. He entered the little house and raised a yellow brochure in the air. He asked the clerk what felt like a hundred questions about it. Jay and I, meanwhile, stood across the street by a group of tourists, watching everything closely.

Jay asked, "What's he got there?" I shrugged my shoulders cluelessly and looked briefly at my watch. Dinner would be served soon. Joshua left the information point again and glanced at his wristwatch as well. Cursing, he dug out his cell phone and made a call. All I understood was Taehyung and hurry up. Apparently he wanted to go back to boarding school.

"I guess our stalking is over for today, huh?" said Jay next to me. I just nodded and said, "Well, almost."

Josh had left by now and we went into the information point as well. The young, brown-haired employee whose name tag read Frank in beautiful script flashed at almost every movement, as the light was quite bright in here.

The gaunt guy approached us and asked in an overly friendly manner, "What good can I do for you?" Stop grinning so pedo. That's where the fear comes in. Damn.

Jay grabbed the yellow brochure and asked, "What exactly is this?"

The man replied, "Oh, good choice. It's our summer festival this year. It takes place the day after tomorrow and there's something for young and old. But it's also suitable for couples like you two." He earned amused looks from us, but we just let him continue.

At the end of his little talk, we said goodbye to him and left the information point. Jay grinned at me promisingly and asked, "Well, fancy a summer party?" Laughing, I replied rhetorically, "Do I have a choice?"

He tousled my hair and replied, "No, it's important for our operaton." I nodded.

Of course, I didn't have a choice. A summer party with Jay. Kind of a cool idea. But it wasn't like we were going there for pleasure. I regained my composure and we slowly walked home.

When we arrived, we went inside and parted ways. I went upstairs and entered my room. Hee-jin was apparently no longer here. Exhausted, I took off my jacket and untied my braid.

Hehe Jay had almost started a fight with a guy today because of me. Why did he have to bring such a cool action? I would never get rid of this amorous feeling with this. Did I even want that? I wasn't sure. He was just an interesting guy. Jay was cool and energetic at the same time. I liked that. Plus he had such a caring side to him about his friends, which he preferred to hide. That was so perfect. He was so perfect. But perfect for me? This eternal questioning led to nothing!

Annoyed by all the thinking, I went into the bathroom and pulled out my brush. My hair had to be combed. The wind had messed everything up-

"АННН!!!" I shrieked, startled.

The door slammed shut and in the mirror I caught sight of a face.

A/N: Guess who? 😒

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